The Rabbit Hole

I’m not familiar with the British geography, but the western coastal areas of Britain are screwed.

We should start speaking of “Brit-cide”

I noticed that beer was not in the list … damn !

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… and if you want to know why it is so …


So now I know why the projected population of the UK by 2025 is expected to be around 15 million. Or whatever the number was. We talked about it here in RH some months back and a few, including myself, were surprised by how low the figure is and wondered what might happen to cause it.

Well now we know. The hotels all fill up with immigrants, taxes go through the roof so that we can pay Serco and the Hilton Group (or whoever) … and all those who were working discover that they can yield more by playing the benefits system than actually trying to do anything constructive. The slightly higher earners (and above) leave the country in order to retain their hard-earned.

After a year the system crashes as the money printing (necessary to pay for all this) drags Sterling through the floor (another reason why positive nett-worth individuals leave). The Grunts are then occupiers of a large and filthy building which is unmaintained and unserviced (water and electricity) and leave for the next promised land … probably Poland or maybe Germany.

Not as good as the KM dance mix version … IMHO

Substantial reduction in population is “projected” (or planned) for the UK and US.

Western European countries will also be reduced in population, but not to that extent.

I originally thought it was due to a nuke war or pest of sorts, but that probably is not the case, because other parts of the world do not share the same fate. It’s all political.

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Neither are as good as these



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Am I missing something?? - Can someone enlighten me?

On Friday our illustrious leader decided to cancel lockdown easing bc ‘‘coronavirus infection numbers are creeping up’’. So I thought I’d take a look at the ONS database - this is what I found from the update on Monday 27th -

‘’ Our infection survey shows that an average of 1 in 2,000 people had COVID-19 in the community in England between 13 July and 19 July 2020. This represents an estimated average of 27,700 individuals with COVID-19.’’
‘‘the number of deaths involving COVID-19 continued to fall.’’
AND… Most importantly…
‘‘The week ending Friday 17 July 2020 was the fifth successive week in which the total number of deaths (including those involving COVID-19) was below the five-year average.’’

I thought the whole reason for cancelling lockdown easing was bc the excess death rate was rising FFS.

So to summarise - the total estimated infection rate is 1 in 2000 -so less than 0.001% of the UK pop has got CV19 so I think we can assume from that, a lot less than 0.001% will actually die.

Please help me out here - am being completely dense Can someone PLEASE tell me WTF is going on and where is the govt getting its figures from???

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The Great Reset 2020.

I sent a cleaned up version of that to my 3 closest MP’s - lets see if I get a response.

So “flattening the curve” and saving the NHS has become nobody is to ever get Covid. Number of deaths (about zero) has become number of infections, and by the way they are testing more. Hey, number of infected go up! :roll_eyes:

They are not doing very well with their bullshit. Maybe instead you should help them out with 100 ways to keep sheep fearful.

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But the sheep do bite the bait…

Yep, on steroids - I was in our local co-op the other day and was amazed at the vitriol thrown at an old lady without a mask on(they actually made her cry) - it was frightening, until I pointed out that ppl with a medical condition do not have to wear one - for instance COPD or asthma - lot of sheepish looks after that - pure karma.


Yeah I suggested that their only real option is to lock us all in our bedrooms until they find a vaccine to prevent death - no responses yet.



How true.
What comes to mind is the truth about ■■■■ and UFOs.
Eisenhower met the aliens at an air force base in California (then called Muroc or something like that) shortly after WWII, and he originally wanted to make the information public but later decided against it.

In the meantime, Secretary of State Forestall got thrown off his hospital window and “suicided.” The info on the aliens had to be kept secret as the last Trump card to scare the sheep shitless with a fake invasion.

There is even a museum of sorts of various (dead) aliens of various races at an air force base in Ohio and it takes some “clearance” to visit the hidden room.
