The Rabbit Hole

You have an awful lot of canned foods :open_mouth: What does it matter if it’s cooked or not? Chocolate milk? :roll_eyes: With plenty else added no doubt - HFCS or natural sweetener as they call it these days. Most of your food seems to have been messed with. What’s wrong with whole foods, in their natural form?

An alternative I prefer - only problem is it is a very low concentration so I need to take a lot

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Anyone noticed that when they test more ppl we find more cases CV
Does that mean if we give more ppl an IQ test we’ll find more idiots?


Anyone noticed we don’t have climate change anymore, now that the same objective is being achieved with Covid.

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The more people you test, the more results you get which you want!

Yeah CC wasn’t working for TPTB so they invented CV

Does anyone know what happened to the petition to try Billy for crimes against humanity?


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Point is there’s a big variety of whole foods on the list to choose from.

Be interesting to see what, if anything, happens next.

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You’ll like this one…
I recenly emailed my local MP(John Howell) highlighting the abysmal test results and the inflated results bc of the number of false positives - this was his response…

‘‘Thank you for your email regarding coronavirus testing.
Tests for active coronavirus are not always correct: at present they are understood to produce false negatives in between 2 and 20 per cent of cases. If you are exhibiting symptoms but receive a negative test result, you must continue to self-isolate. Antibody tests are understood to be accurate in all cases where a person has not suffered with coronavirus, presenting a false negative in approximately 16 per cent of cases where someone has had Covid-19. I know that developers of these tests have been working to maximise accuracy, and I will continue to follow this issue closely.
Thanks again for contacting me.

You couldn’t make this shit up ROFLMFAO

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False negatives?

Give us a break.
Too many false positives!

It is 100% probable that something will happen.

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D’ya think part of Boris’s Brexit plan might be to destroy Europe on the way out?

No Comment!
Take it or leave it - DYOR

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Has anyone been following this shit show? Barr is brilliant
What happens at the end of it

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The really sad thing about this circus is that the useful idiots that elected these despicable Democrats are cheering them on as if they are national heroes…and they will win re-elections ad infinitum.

The hardest infestation to get rid of in the USA is a governing body of Democrats…at any level.

Once a Democrat machine becomes entrenched, it is there for decades. The Republicans wont lower their standards enough to fight fire with fire. They seem to “turn the other cheek” and get slapped again.