The Rabbit Hole

The whole of Britain is screwed unless we adopt some Enoch type action PDQ !!

Yes we did in RH it was from Deagel. Or it could be we wake TFU and give those that need it the boot.

White genocide.
The most awake and aware.
After that, this race and that race.

It’s all in the agenda and in your face, but the sheep don’t want to know.

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… the tea leaves in the bottom of the cup marked BJ

That’s because they all suffer from FBS (Fluffy Bunny Syndrome)

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This video is from March 19, 2020. This was way before the BLM planned riots started in late May 2020.

p.s. I also found this video on YouTube but it was a cropped and edited version with certain important details left out. Why would they do that? Cause some cult members don’t want the people to know.



10 Minutes of Science: Hydroxychloroquine

This is exactly what we all needed to know. Brilliant.


I checked the latest update from ONS today and wrote to my MP again - heres a copy - I’ll let you know in the unlikely event I get a response.

Good afternoon, I have today looked at the latest ONS data from their website regarding the corona virus. And I have extracted some key points for your perusal.
‘’The majority of deaths involving COVID-19 have been among people aged 65 years and over (46,020 out of 51,505).
Figures include all deaths where “COVID-19” was mentioned on death certificates.
The total number of deaths in the week ending 24 July 2020 (Week 30) was 8,891, below the five-year average for the sixth week running.
The percentage of adults in Great Britain worried about the effect of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on their life was 65% between 22 and 26 July 2020.’’
I would make a couple of observations re the above-

  1. Most people who died were over 65 – i.e. they were probably soon going to expire anyway, with or without CV19. It is sad when someone dies but it’s one of the irrefutable facts of life – we are ALL mortal.
  2. The figures quoted include ALL deaths where CV19 is mentioned, the implication being that CV19 was not necessarily the cause. Dying with CV is NOT the same as dying of CV.
  3. The excess death rate was BELOW the 5 year average for the SIXTH week running.
  4. The anxiety levels are still very high and this can be primarily explained by the hysteria coming from MSM and the government. It’s almost as if you want us to panic.

In summary – the total deaths to date are still less than 0.001% of the UK population. How can this even be called a pandemic – it’s not even as serious as the seasonal flu.
How can you possibly justify the concomitant effects of your actions with the actual data from the ONS website. How many businesses will close permanently, how many people will lose their jobs and homes, how many people will commit suicide, how many will die of undetected cancers, how many children have been traumatized – the list goes on.
Your actions are unforgivable and the whole fiasco could have been avoided if someone had done a simple cost benefit analysis before the knee-jerk panic that actually transpired.

Best Regards

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It’s like the gov wants to pimp your gf to you for 100 pounds!


OR…Some poor girl gets raped and plod refuse to investigate bc she was breaking lockdown and fine her £100.

How important are words - VERY!


Corruption of European languages is intentional, be it English, French or German.
Somebody seems to harbor deep-seated hatred of the European civilization.

Evangelical “Christian” CBN, (tv network), has gone over to the dark side. They can go to hell for serving the satanic cult.

Absolutely the best I have ever read on the subject!


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Scree5shot_1 (6)

Who benefits?


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A nuke bomb will do that.
Who benefits when all Arabs, whether they are Muslims or Christians, are dead?