The Rabbit Hole

Yeah I know I’m myopic lol


If you do a liver cleanse using olive oil and epsom salt, you’ll be shocked to see the amount of green junk that comes out next morning.

Even bigger if you have a gut i.e. a fatty liver.

Not from a healthy liver.

Anyone performing sustained exercise would have to get into an aerobic rhythm or they would experience muscle cramps.

Well, it depends on the definition of healthy.

Liver is basically a rubbish bin for the body, and certain fatty rubbish gets accumulated in the liver, whether you’re a healthy eater or not.

The junk you see (after a liver cleanse) are green balls of about 5 mm diameter. And there are hundreds of them. When I did the liver cleanse for the first time some years ago, I was shocked to see huge clusters of such balls (they float on water) and I wondered how they got through the bile duct.

Green in your poo is bile. Floaters indicate you are pooing out oil. Small balls indicate the poo has been hanging around for a while and has dried out. Bile is produced by the liver, stored in the gall bladder and is used to break down fat, like a detergent. Without adequate bile, you cannot absorb fat and will be deficient in the fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K.

You are not “cleansing” your liver. You are most likely unblocking the bile duct. However, the bile should not be coming out the other end. It should be broken down by the intestines. The fact that your intestines fail to break it down could indicate a leaky gut. One likely cause of leaky gut is insulin resistance.

I note that you are not a fan of exercise so unlikely to have much dense muscle. Do you know your fat percentage? Even if you are not fat, you could be skinny fat which would make you prone to insulin issues. What are your eating habits?

All these niggles are not normal or healthy. If you gave your “cleanse” to a child, you wouldn’t get that outcome. They are often precursors to chronic disease, which could take decades to properly manifest.

Wrong. I never get cramps whether I warm up or not. Does it not occur to you that if your muscles are seizing up, there could be something not quite right?

Energy is released from the cells via a K+/Na+ lock which is effectively a battery. The cells control the release of energy by controlling the concentrations of potassium and sodium either side of the cell membrane. You need four times as much potassium as sodium. Potassium is primarily found in vegetables. Getting cramp is an indication of a potassium defiency.

No, no. They are straight from the liver and they float and have the same shape. You fast on the day of the cleanse. Hulda Clark says you could eat rice or anything that does not contain fat/oil in the morning of the day.

During the evening you induce artificial diarrhea and empty the bowel before, so nothings is left there.

The gall bladder is a very small storage tank, compared with the humongous liver. And the gall bladder certainly cannot store that many fatty balls.

Another thing I didn’t mention is that you hear the sound of the liver (from the right side of your chest cavity) moving for about an hour depending on the person, which is quite a surprise, in order to expel the junk.


I’ve watched this video from end to end. I have no doubt that child molestation and sex trafficking is exponentially more prevalent than racism. We will not be rid of either before the end of all mammalian life on Earth occurs.

I favor execution of all humans convicted of child sex trafficking or child molestation…with the sentence being applied retroactively.

Grind their bodies into chum and feed the fishes.


Do you own your body?

Good to know that bananas are high in potassium and prevent cramps!

Gingko Biloba also prevents cramps

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To get your potassium from bananas alone, you need to eat 14 a day. :stuck_out_tongue: Avocados contain more potassium.

Appendix 10. Food Sources of Potassium

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The world’s average man.

“Anti-Gentilism is actually the very source of Antisemitism.”

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