The Rabbit Hole

Oh my, what’s so offensive about


Try Joo…

The truth abt Trump

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The replacement statue was apparently installed without permission, and has now been removed.

She obviously missed the party invitation from Joan Collins … who is 87 and looks better than that.

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… 1984

Lactic acid is also produced by muscles when they are stimulated to produce extreme output without sufficient oxygenation.


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Anyone who does even a minimal amount of exercise would be familiar with that, in other words anaerobic :roll_eyes: That is why we train lactate thresholds.

So lets get this straight.

If I go to the pub and get falling down drunk – I don’t have to wear a muzzle.
If I go to eat in a restaurant, I don’t have to wear one either.
But if I go to pick up my food or buy any to eat at home I do.
Unless I’m vulnerable – then I don’t.
The people who sell me the food also don’t need to wear one.
If I smash up a few shops and statues I also don’t need to wear one.
If I sit on the beach, alone – I do.
Thats it – I’m going back to Mars, where I definitely don’t.


Don’t worry Matt Hancock has ordered a review into how Public Health England calculates Corona deaths… will it be an open and shut case and nothing to see here ? Or will they say it’s all been a terrible mistake and happy to the egg all over the face ? Drum roll…

David Icke’s new book.

What a link!
Anyway, I know what he gonna say, but he may have new info here and there.

Am I the only one who sees the contradiction in these - This definitely does not pass the smell test
German lawyers are gonna have a field day…

I cannot wait for the first lawsuit that argues Face masks do not belong in a free society.

I see only one significant difference.

A virus mask generally covers only the nose and mouth. A Muslim burka is like wearing a full length garbage bag with a slit for the eyes.

…but I do see an opening for litigation. Lawyers will prosper, one way or another.

D’ya think he’s referring to blood libel? Doesn’t get more ancient than that and it would also explain why none of the MSM asked any questions.

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Seems like Trump is going flat out after the deep satanic cult state. I don’t think they like him cause he’s exposing their dark filthy and wicked ways. That’s why no one should watch or listen to the MSM ever. They don’t own the narrative, they own shit.

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Ritual murders were a reality in Europe and now in California.

Eustace Mullins said about 6 million Christian children have been kidnapped and murdered in gruesome ways.

If you fail to learn from history, only criminals will prosper.
It’s now or never to speak out.


Let’s see how many days YouTube will let this video (audio) on.



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Time to brring back the death penalty for this stuff

