The Rabbit Hole

Clinton grew up without a father, his father died and his mother remarried a guy named …Clinton

Meantime …

I went looking for a long documentary which I found some time ago. This is possibly a good hit.


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Don’t believe what the Clintons say.
Don’t believe what is said about the Clintons.

The Clintons are Zionists.
Bill, a known draft dodger in the US, openly declared he was willing to die for Israel.
Hillary openly said her grandmother spoke Yiddish.
Bill and Hillary are ■■■■■■■

Yes. Hidden in plain view.

When Boris was London mayor, he bought some water cannons, but the then Home Secretary, Theresa May, denied him permission to use them. I wonder what happened to them.

At FF we used to have thumbs up and down. Why only love hearts here? :face_vomiting:

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My wife(am I allowed to call her that?) was talking to a senior NHS consultant yesterday and they were discussing the subjet du jour - CV19.
To summarise what he said - basically if you don’t have diabetes or any other serious health condition, aren’t black or Asian, don’t have too much blubber and are a reasonably fit under 80 yr old, there is nothing to worry abt

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They are great piece of kit and given enough pressure and a bit of an abrasive thrown in will take off limbs in a jiffy, one can dream… :laughing:

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But we all knew that anyway.

To isolate the vulnerable is quarantine. To house arrest the healthy is tyranny. Other people’s money is going to run out soon. What then? Print more or tax more? Well done Boris. :roll_eyes:


Yep, punishing the healthy.

That’s what some researchers are saying as to the formation of the Grand Canyon.

It didn’t take millions of years to form the Canyon.
Just a few days with a lot of water and rocks.

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Only the select few who visit this site.
I’ve been telling my wife abt the CVhoax since March but it wasn’t until yesterday that she finally believed me. She and her family think I’m a conspiracy nut LOL

Most ppl, her included ‘’‘trust’’ our politicians would never lie to us.
She also still thinks Boris walks on water - I’m still working on that one.

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A police officer’s response after he ended a perpetrator’s life that attacked him with a knife.

It’s called self defense and rightly so.


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From Fall Cabal Part 1. Haven’t finished watching all the videos yet.
Have a go. Let me know.


Speaking of prediabetes, a Reader’s Digest article in News from the World of Medicine (p44 July/August 2020) claims that 900 seniors with the condition were followed for up to 12 years. During this time, only 12% progressed to diabetes, and 22% reverted to normal glucose levels.

Subjects who lost weight and/or lowered their systolic blood pressure were the most likely to bring their blood sugar levels back to normal.


I find that hard to believe! :sunglasses:

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We have this :+1:

We have this :-1:

'cos we are all inspired by you

They sell these in New York. Fair enough.


I’m up to part 5 of this. :+1:

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