The Rabbit Hole

Big brother’s watching you! :eyes:

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Good question.


"The statue was removed on 9 June 2020 by the local authority to “recognise the wishes of the community”, following the removal of Edward Colston’s statue in Bristol by anti-racism protesters in response to the killing of George Floyd.[9][10]

Milligan has also had a local street named after him: Milligan Street is located near Westferry DLR station, just off Narrow Street, Limehouse."

“the wishes of the community”?
What communities, may I ask?

So is wikipedia insinuating that the street name be also changed?

Another question: what role did ■■■■ play in the slave trade?

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But they flattened the curve and amazingly xpct business to resume as normal. What a surprise when our esteemed leaders discover the corona virus is still there waiting.

As a point of interest, w have hospitals who have laid off staff due to lack of ned. We hav outpatient surgery centers closed and medical staff laid off. My orthopedic surgeon was sitting home with nothing to do while people waited for knee/hip replacements.

Only government can be as stupid as we have seen in the past months.

We had governors shutting down their states and nonessential businesses. Liquor and POT stores remained open while clothing stores were non essential. One state said that fertilizer for the lawn, plants for the garden are non essential while allowing POT sales.

Pack of lies from the incredibly stupid politicians.


The curve would flatten no matter what the government does or doesn’t do.
That’s the nature of the virus.

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You could have shagged anyone you wanted for a few weeks now because gatherings of up to six were permitted outdoors.

I can’t get over I voted Conservative back in December and got a clueless Communist dictatorship. Quite honestly, I would prefer Tony Blair as PM now. The EU issue pales into insignificance compared to this crap.


That’s bollocks.
Any success in reducing the propagation rate will flatten the curve.
However it will not affect the total number of cases and deaths, as I wrote above somewhere, because this disease is very good at propagating itself and will eventually devastate all those whose ‘body-systems’ are unable to cope or adequately defend themselves.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. We voted for an end to the vacillation of the likes of May, Corbyn and all the others who occupy Parliament but who secretly wanted to remain in the EU.
Let us not forget that.

Like Trump tackling the decay in the USA, Boris kicked the appropriate things into action to get Brexit moving. Like Trump, Boris has been badly caught out by an unexpected and severe Armageddon event. They have both revealed their weaknesses in that respect.

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What have I been saying for so long… no matter what, who you vote for…

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I am not sure if I said this before, at least not in a totally understandable way.

I fully support the existence of fee-paying schooling.

The use of public or private schools by those who can afford them definitely yields a broader education than children would otherwise receive in the State system. Particularly in more esoteric areas such as team spirit, self-motivation and awareness of other influencing factors.

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Interesting article. Not sure I agree with everything (particularly the real enemy) but I think a lot of the bases covered.

The curve will flatten no mater what the government does, like I said.
Look at Sweden and Japan.

The question is, how low you want to keep the pyramid or the number of infected or whatever.

More important to figure out who the enemy of your country really is.

That is true …

I am pretty sure my kids aren’t missing out academically and they are still getting taught as per their curriculum plus with all the extra one on one help at home. However, they are missing out on the social and pastoral side and the variety of sports and extras that they do. We have a pretty good set up at home with treadmill, bikes that can slot onto the smart trainer, Concept 2 rower, punch bags and dummy, multigym and they have been using it, though sometimes it is easier for others to motivate your kids. :rage:

What I really have a problem with is the government’s approach of one size fits all. Most kids can’t go back to school because class sizes are big and they have no room for social distancing. Well, in the private sector, class sizes are about 14-16 (instead of 30+) and there is plenty of space. Yet no one can go back. This makes it really difficult to not believe there is some sort of dragging everyone down to the bottom agenda going on.

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Presumably you have a contact avenue to Dominic Cummings. Can he help, do you think?

(Asaratis is brewing a massive post, he’s been ‘replying’ for a while)

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I agree to an extent that the battle with the virus has exposed weaknesses in our leaders. However, neither of them caused it, neither of them had anything to do with what the fucked up communist Chinese government did regarding delaying worldwide notifications and allowing free travel from Wuhan to all places except places in China. (They fuckin’ knew they had released a deadly, highly communicable disease.)

Neither of them had any reason to doubt Dr. Anthony Fuckin’ Fauci.

Both of them are subject to criticism from their opposing parties, some of which was disguised as being legitimate.

Despite his occasional missteps, our President has done a remarkable job in developing our economy, bringing industry BACK to the US, creating JOBS, negotiating new trade deals, telling the ChiComs to straigten up or continue to suffer existing or new sanctions, exposing the swamp creatures in our government, etc.

He is the hardest working President I have known in my adult lifetime. I think it is remarkable what he has accomplished in the face of RINOs, Never-Trumpers, lying & unethical Democrat committee chairmen in the House, a lunatic Democrat Speaker of the House, a swarm of lunatic Democrat Representatives (whose collective IQ is almost that of a really stupid monkey) and a bunch of goddamned Obama holdovers that subvert him from inside the government.

One might expect the polls to always be 47% minimum against him, higher when the issues have bipartisan support.

I’ll be voting for Trump/Pence in November…and if I was a limey, I’d be voting for Boris in whatever he tries next. :innocent:

Yes. I was also watching a bit of news, checking on another thread, and finishing my breakfast of 4 scrambled eggs with Cabot Habanero Cheddar Cheese and black coffee.

Next time I’ll cut down on the cheese…by about half, I think!


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Actually if you want to keep your insulin down, then that’s great. Saturated fat is excellent - you need it to make cholesterol. In fact cholesterol is so important to brain function, the brain makes its own. Cholesterol also makes hormones, like testosterone.

So if you go vegan and eat loads of carbs, guess what? :wink:

Dominic Cummings is a communist and has his hand up Boris’ backside.