The Rabbit Hole

Rhodesia did pretty well too - before the BLM brigrade took over.

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Just another Cohencidence?

Michael Baden was born in the Bronx, New York City to a ■■■■■■** family.

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Toppling statues, book burning (no school)… sounds familiar?

BLM were asked what do they actually want. They said “wealth redistribution.” A la Zimbabwe. If you don’t have the ability to make your own money, you take it! What does that say about blacks?


Seeing people dying is one thing but knowing the cause of death is another and with respect being a senior paediatric nurse doesn’t make you Quincy. It doesn’t surprise me seeing people who work in the hospital dying as any time I’ve been there with my old man even most of the medical staff very rarely look a picture of health.

There are so many big hitters involved in this around the world, Fauci, Gates et al and of course all the special laws introduced for this not to whiff of corruption. Tracing is an App I believe right now…How long before some goons can beat your door down and drag you away because 5g surveillance detected a raised temperature ? Dramatic yes but I’m sure you get my point.


I have been following the Edward Colston statue story for a while as I was sickened years ago that there were plans being made to have it removed, plaques altered etc. The mayor of Bristol since 2016 Marvin Rees has said to the Times the toppling of the statue into the harbour is “a piece of historical poetry”.

I do wonder with all this BLM bollocks why they aren’t making their way to the African continent to sort out a few corruption issues there.

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Been having a think and as the Police stood by and let them topple the Edward Colston statue will they do the same if groups of people demolish mosques because of MOOOhamed enslaving people. I doubt but just some wishful thinking.


He didn’t actually perform an autopsy on Floyd. He watched the video and commented on it.

The idiots here have beheaded a statue of Columbus.

Well I’m starting to think if they really want a race war let them have one. I’m sick of the pandering and treading on egg shells bullshit.


I think that over here they are waiting on the National Guard or federal troops to fire the first shot and kill some useless bastard. That way they can blame the government for starting a war.

The blame game is inevitable regardless, start cleaning up the streets of these idiots. :wink:

Sad Khan wants to review all public statues and even street names as they don’t reflect the current society… :face_vomiting:

So maybe we just need to make the changes to the current society :thinking:

The MSM urinolists are running with his interpretation of the cause of death because it fits the communists’s narrative. So, on with the killing, looting and burning.


The tactic, that was used in Ukraine in 2014 to overthrow the government there, was to send some sharp-shooters and take out people on both sides and it played out just like they had planned it. They overthrew the government and installed an intermediate leadership till things calmed down. It also happened in Syria to overthrow Assad.
Could be Antifa pulling the trigger. In the mean time Antifa has taken the role of armed anarchists protecting the commie mayor.
Anticipating the obvious preemption is a good counter move…

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… you cannot be serious ! !
Gates has finally figured out that anti-virus is where he should have been back in the 90s

You mean … like they were in China? I am sure everybody can safely volunteer to hold their breath without any threat to personal safety.

So we can look forward to visiting Nelson’s Column in “Plaza Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi”
There is something seriously wrong here.


Good news! There is another reason I (probably) easily beat the bug.
Type-O blood types are less affected than others, according to stats from 23andme (or whatever it is called).

Staying fat is a lifestyle choice. The youngster we are currently fostering had upheaval in his life and turned to comfort eating. At age 16 he is now trying to lose it again, I hope he succeeds.

People do strange things when they are dropped into situations where they don’t understand how they got there, nor how to get out.

At what point do you think to yourself you have put on a bit and need to lose it?



What sort of food do they eat in hospitals? What food do they feed diabetics? Heaps of refined carbs, sugar and processed muck!Then there was the buying of takeaways for NHS staff to show gratitude. :roll_eyes:


I have never seen a tongue that big …