The Rabbit Hole

Forget CV19 - whats coming is WAY worse. Think Zimbabwe.



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Well …

You have no “rights”, especially now that we are (allegedly) out of the EU. The government tells you that your children must go to school and wants to know why not if you don’t do it. The government is now telling you that it is unsafe to send your kids to school. Why is that a surprise?

How short-sighted … you really have not come up with any reveal to an understanding of what is going on apart from politicians desperately trying to hang onto their support (same old … same old). The UK government has been crassly unresponsive, maybe even negligent, in its response to this pandemic until too late. Finger pointing does nothing, understand that ‘they’ took advice from their suite of experts (including the WHO … 'kin idiots) and reacted accordingly. Since the truth hit home the approach has been to defer the onset of as many cases as possible thereby avoiding the spectacle of people dying in the car-park at hospital whilst waiting to be administered.

Lives saved? None. Extra deaths? Equally None. Avoidance of a ghastly scene of people dying in the street … probably their finest achievement. Could it have been done better? Definitely!

There may be related health issues, but there is no getting away from the fact that some ‘races’ are disproportionately affected by this Virus. If you unlucky enough to be born with the wrong (or right) kind of ACE receptor in your pneumocites the Virus will directly attack your respiration system.

Deaths? A student renting a house in the next block contracted the disease and called for an ambulance. (S)he died before the ambulance arrived. A week later another student in the same house also died of COVID-19. Both these people were in their 30s (mature or Ph.D students).

Me … I had it back in December, it was pretty awful and persistent, but not as bad as some “flu” that I have had in the past. The difference being that a bad dose of flu has never given me breathing difficulties, and I didn’t get them this time either although I did get “the cough”.

Also … I definitely fall well into your BMI red-zone and I am not that fit at the moment. So probably the fact that I regularly take Zinc plus the two important vitamins, and know how to look after myself, had a bearing upon my comparatively easy survival.

My son’s wife is a senior paediatric nurse. She has seen ‘many’ people die from COVID-19 including those working at the hospital where she works. This is not a ‘normal’ disease.

Absolutely, the politicians best friend and favourite tool … FEAR, belied only by the likes of Dominic Cummings (and others) who clearly thought they were absolved from the necessity to follow guidance. Thus giving the game away.

Only the “woke” will realise that, the other 90% of the population will never understand.

BTW @StuFX I don’t make it to the thread every day, as you can probably tell.

I think you could have phrased that better.

Mankind is a pack-animal, or tribal if you prefer.
Therefore anyone not of the same tribe is either bringing disease or trying to steal from you.
It is instinctive.
The fact that there are so many people on the planet has blurred the edges of tribalism.






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BBC fanning the bolshevik flames for NWO.

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Not so - a study from Germany estimates that MANY more ppl will die from the effects of the lockdown than ever will of CV19


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Don’t take it too literally but I thought it portrayed the banality of our leaders perfectly.
A life worth living encompasses all our freedoms including - freedom of expression, freedom to take risks, freedom to travel, freedom to associate with whoever we please.
And I resent any fuckwit in govt telling me what I can and can’t do, yes even if I might die - it’s my choice not theirs.

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Being fat is a lifestyle choice. Don’t expect my kids and I to pay any more than we do in taxes, in any way shape or form, to address the consequences of your gluttony.

However, I sense that you are happy we are living in a Marxist dystopia, with lack of personal choice and freedom and with reduction of all to the lowest common denominator.

Funny, it never works out as intended. The gap actually widens. My kids are doing well. They have one on one every day with parents who care, and a full timetable of lessons from school. They aren’t behind at all which is more than I can say for those less fortunate and have to endure the state system, for whom these past months have just been a long holiday.

We have actually made a lot of money in this pandemic. Clue: we’re in some form of digital technology. We’re better off. Not that we needed it anyway. But there it goes. The effects of a Marxist society are worse for those it intends to save.

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South Africa before Mandela seemed to function as a country despite its notoriety for Apartheid, which in their language means separation or segregation.

Now South Africa is a complete mess.

In the US in 1960s, black kids from inner cities were bussed to white schools in the suburbs which made a total mess as well.



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Oh, what a coincidence!


The banksters ghoulish go to doctor.


Hidden in plain sight.
Good find.