The Rabbit Hole


I will miss you Stu


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Maybe … like with the personally signed rebate cheques for when Michael Jackson couldn’t appear at a concert … they are hoping you will just frame the cheque.


… and the other Carlin quote: " Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


The more I read the more I really want to leave this country.

Is that how they will get around the “Islamophobe !” accusation?

We go out and clap on a Thursday evening … then we get the deck-chairs out and have a socially-distanced glass of wine with our neighbours and a bloody good chat. This therapeutic event has caused one of our neighbours to remove their house from the market as they realised that most of their neighbours are fairly decent people. Perhaps a shame that it took this to reveal such.

I have toned down my original response.

If you believe that no-one will die because of their work … fair enough. My SO’s daughter is a paramedic and took the disease home to her family. They survived. My grandson has had issues in his first year of life, which seems to have abated. He is now 3, but that did not stop my son and his wife shitting themselves over whether they would lose a child. When you know people who have died it puts a different slant on it.

At what point is it ok to take away my freedom and the human rights of my kids to go to school in order “to save lives” if that is what it is? My freedom doesn’t end where your fear begins. Lives are not being saved - this farce is only swapping one life for another, or perhaps many others, who now may be facing a grim future due to lack of treatment.

How many have actually died of Covid rather than with it? How many deaths of actually metabolically healthy people? I would say very close to none, considering only 17% of the population are metabolically healthy. Note that absence of diagnosed disease does not mean health, which is greatly different to being metabolically healthy. Your health is a lifestyle choice. Why should I and many others be stripped of our rights to live our lives just because of those who choose to live unhealthily?

The NHS is the 5th largest employer in the world and the UK has 0.5% of the world’s population. 20% of our tax goes to the NHS. 1/3 of the NHS budget goes towards treating obesity and obesity related diseases. Don’t you think we pay enough for these fatsos already? Now they’re dying with Coronavirus and we pay for that. Only there’s no more money coming in, so goodness knows who is going to foot the bill. So spare me the nauseating clapping and virtue signalling fund raising. It’s about time that monstrous waste of money got privatised.


Dr. Fauci is a sleazebag liar!

The World Heath Organization is the Chinese Propaganda Organization!

The entire world has payed dearly in lives lost, businesses lost, personal wealth lost, property lost, suicides, educations put on hold…you name it…all because of the deceptive, deceitful behavior of the goddamned Chinese government, the W.H.O. and Dr Anthony Fucking Fauci!


Ex I don’t think anyone doesn’t want to protect their loved ones from death & disease and of course the situation with your grandson was no doubt a very worrying time but all of what you are talking about are the normal risks in life.
I bet there isn’t a single one of us at some time or another who have bumped into someone we knew and that person has been ill, like coughing/sneezing etc and we have responded with “Oh keep your distance I don’t want to be off work too or I don’t want to pass that to the kids” etc etc. IE: The response was measured. This virus is no different and that is the story coming from eminent scientists and virologists around the world (apart from WHO scientists :thinking:) but the evidence is overwhelming in that it was seen as an opportunity to turn into a monster. In short not our normal measured response like when we bump into someone…

It has been exagerated, manipulated and weaponised which has had the desired effect on masses of people.

Your SO’s daughter in her role likely carries all manner of nasties home on a regular basis but as we know under normal circumstances most of us are able to fight off all kinds of diseases with our internal medical team (immunity), that’s just normal life and how it is.
In everyday life we all have similar risks when meeting people, mingling in crowded areas etc. We all have the potential to carry something back to our loved ones and often do in terms of colds, sore throats and flu’s etc. When this happens in normal life a person with compromised health is at more risk, it’s just the way it is but there has never been a political response in terms of affecting our freedoms and imposing more controls on what we can and can’t do like now before, in spite of already having had far more virulent diseases/viruses in our very recent history.
In short this has been no worse than anything that has happened before and perfectly normal except for the response.
Show 24hr news with people in haz mat suits= FEAR, show mathematical models of likely death rates without context of normal death rates= FEAR, Show normal daily death tolls like a countdown timer to the end of the world= FEAR.
Instill the need for a Vaccine to save us=FEAR.
Bombard us with media stories of “Baby died of covid” and forget to say the baby was 10 weeks premature= FEAR

It has been a very successful exercise in showing how easy it is to get the masses to capitulate and the evidence to support that is growing by the day. People die everyday including very likely our own loved ones here and that is sad and in no way am I making light of that but essentially it is our emotions that have been played and it has been more effective than holding any of us at gunpoint.

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Agreed - but ppl die every day of lots of things, should we shut down the economy until NOBODY dies anymore.

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For a life to be worth saving, it must first be worth living and I would posit that permanent(or even temporary) house arrest is not the sort of life I want for me or my grandkids.

I still don’t understand why this fuckwit hasn’t been locked up yet.

‘Professor Lockdown’ Ferguson, UK’s Covid-19 czar, admits crippling restrictions MADE NO DIFFERENCE – where’s the outrage?


So now it’s illegal to have sex with strangers - my defence(if arrested in flagrante) will be that we were attending an anti- racism protest(which is legal) at the time of the offence, ipso facto close contact is allowed.





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Even the virus has some positive impacts - remember Brexit?

Borders are a good thing after all.

Could it be that apartheid is also good?






Remember I said I don’t trust Johnson?

Johnson’s speech rambled across so many seemingly irrelevant subjects there is little reason to suspect any COVID 19 foreknowledge. But given the global pandemic that would occur just a few months later, it was certainly prescient.