The Rabbit Hole

Come on Alex, thats easy - the second wave is coming, or has it already started? And it will be blamed on the protesters who aren’t social distancing.

I’m with you on that Mag.

Ha ha the Doombar must help you get through it ! :crazy_face:

I don’t mate. It’s just one drama to the next. It doesn’t matter what it’s wrapped up as anymore, it’s all a steaming pile. Waiting patiently for reality to catch up. :boxing_glove:

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I lost my Old Man back in April, he was 92 and was worn out, you can imagine what is on the death certificate…“suspected covid 19”. I have wiped the floor with his G.P. but he just blabbers about how they have been advised to report it, despite no coroner/autopsy/tests etc. Anyway I’m not letting it lie as this whole bollox has crushed the simple dying wishes of a decorated WW II (merchant seaman on Atlantic convoys). He could not even be cremated in the suit he wore for his wedding among other crap conditions…

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Sorry to hear abt your dad Stu.
Is there any way to challenge a death cert?

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So if a rapist gets caught by plod, will he be charged with rape or breaking the lockdown?
Probly be recorded as a rape from/with CV anyway.

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None of their f—ing business.
Sad to see England going down this road.

My goodness! Your lawmakers are encouraging incest! :innocent:

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Sorry for your loss Stu. Keep him alive in your thoughts. I too lost my dad last year and he too was a WW II veteran. We couldn’t do a one year church memorial service cause the churches are still closed here from the covid hoax.
The MSM world wide has orchestrated to keep the lies going till they make sure we all worn out and forget the truth. For those of us who know the truth in our minds and hearts it’s not gonna happen.


Thanks Mag. No you can’t or so they say. Only notes can be added if there is an error but I am in the process of writing to Matt I’mACock with an official complaint. I suspect I will be in a long queue on this issue.

Thanks Alex. Likewise mate and of course also sorry for your loss.

It’s a struggle to believe that so many fall for the 3 card trick over and over.

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Sorry to hear about your dad. Strange that in the past few months, no one died of anything other than Covid 19. :smirk:

If people really wanted to donate to the NHS, why not just quietly give it to HMRC? It’s the same thing. No, they have to virtue signal how wonderful they are. This hoax has really brought out the scared sheep.

I have had so many arguments with Covid nutters. Mostly them having a go at me for not being 2m away. I always argue that I am and tell them they should stay home if they are so neurotic. I won’t go in any shops now other than M&S food as that seems to be fairly civilised, considering. I had a nutter try to knock me off my bike with a 2m stick! Will we ever get back to how it was?


Thanks Jen. Yes it is strange and of course nonsense.
The virtue signalling is absolutely nauseating.

I haven’t been that impressed with the NHS for quite some but had hoped it could be turned around. I support the A & E side of the operation largely but the chronic illness side has been floundering for years and of course there is the resource drain from certain sections of the new society. It really is disappointing how few senior level NHS doctors/scientists who have not come forward to show this virus for what it really is. Either to comfy or scared shitless.

Until people realise the Cortisol will likely kill them long before Corona I hate to think what will be considered the new norms.
I am slightly encouraged in that last weekend I was at the beach with family and nobody seemed to be paying any attention to distancing crap. My grandkids were playing with other kids without over zealous parents interfering.

Carry on telling them how stupid they are works for my Mrs when she is shopping :laughing:

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@Magog Just when you think they couldn’t possibly dream up any more ridiculous restrictions. Sheer buffoonery !

What is this?

Queue for McDonald’s Drive thru. What hope is there of people losing some blubber and significantly lowering their risk of dying from Coronavirus? Yet they would be the ones moaning that it’s not safe to send their kids back to school.


However, gatherings of up to 6 people are permitted outdoors. A “gathering” is open to interpretation. :wink:

A bunch of people driving on the wrong side of the road! :rofl:


We are knights of old jousting with swords in our right hands, ready to give you a swipe as we galloped past on our horses. :smile:

Was it not Napoleon who decided the French were to take the other side of the road, just to spite us? And you muppets copied Napoleon. :rofl:

Real Knights joust with lances and ride their horses on the RIGHT side pf the road!

Yeah but you silly sods couldn’t get thru the killer rabbit!


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