The Rabbit Hole

Yep its a hoax

Is there any way to watch Bitchute without being interrupted?
(Slow connection)
I’m watching on Windows8 which may not be the greatest idea.

Not sure D, but whats your broadband speed?

Everything is linked

‘‘What we do know, is that people tired of the COVID-19 bullshit too quickly. We know they wanted the public locked down a docile for as long as possible. But the plandemic lie didn’t last. People figured out the scam that it was.’’

A while back people could wear a T-shirt: " DOS - unleash the power of your machine! "

Things have moved on a bit since then and ‘windows’ provides a bunch of functionality that was never available in DOS … however Windows still eats processor performance.

I now use this, it is amazing for everything except possibly when running some Windows programs such as Photoshop. You can run a test version without destroying your Windows installation. The CD is a bit slow because optical drives are slow, but the (same) version running on a USB memory stick is fine.

There is a Windows environment simulator, Wine, which I have never tried but allegedly works for programs that only run on MicroSoft Windows.

If you can’t handle anything technical, and some people cannot, you have two options.

  1. buy a new machine, the latest i3 machines are powerful and affordable.
  2. upgrade your existing machine with a solid-state drive (from e.g. Sandisk or Samsung or Western Digital or Intel, steer clear of strange manufacturers) and make sure you have at least 4Gb of main memory (aka RAM).

haha, sure sounds like it.
the same coroner.

Thanks. I’m waiting for Windows 11 but it’s not happening in the foreseeable future, is it?

No idea … I hate MS Windows, I tested W10 when they first wanted to shut down W7 and subsequently went back to W7. Now most of my machines are Linux and one runs W7 but it is only used for financial email and stuff, never browsing. By the time they shut down support for MS Essentials anti-virus and the Malicious Software removal tool in W7 I will probably just move everything to Linux.

In case someone here missed it.


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Not sure I believe that Alex.
I think Soros probly does do it but I’d be really surprised if he actually writes the cheques

Of course he has secretaries that handle administrative obligations for his “philanthropic” organizations. He is the one to push the Kalergi plan thru cause he’s getting old and wants to see results before he goes to hell.

Have the seals stopped clapping for the Great Whites waiting to jab them in the arse ?

Hi All Ready to call it a day with the political theater ? One puppet after another left, right and centre.

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Don’t get hypnotized by it all.

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Don’t watch Youtube while driving. LOL

Soros, like Kissinger, is an agent of the Rothschilds.
They have a plan for the whites of the world, as we see in the Kalergi plan.

From what I understand, they will place Khazars on top of the pyramid (including the cryptos like the Rockefellers) and use the Chinese as administrators in the New World Order.
The communist Chinese have proven to be ruthless executioners, and earned the trust, and yet they are inferior to the Khazars.

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Secret symbolism you didn’t know about.


What the idiots in charge don’t understand tho, is that the lockdown will devastate the economy and it won’t be long before the NHS is unsustainable and unaffordable.
So all that clapping to ‘‘save’’ the NHS was a total waste of fucking time.
But maybe TPTB knew that all along and the coronahoax was the excuse they needed.

Nah!, I’d miss my Hasbara mates too much.

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Yeah I know, but I thought the guy in the video seemed a bit smug, almost like he was playing a game with us.
If Soros was really involved he would be so far behind the curtain we’d never see him.
Maybe the guy in the vid is one of the good guys trying to lift the curtain?