The Rabbit Hole

You’re overanalyzing and the humor went out the window. :roll_eyes:

They are all images of real paintings.

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And not only are they refusing to obey Governor Newsom’s social distancing rules, hardly anyone is wearing a mask!

That’s because the French don’t want them either …

The trial was for heresy I believe

The most heretical scientist

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He exposed scientism by thinking ouutside the box.

All part and parcel of white genocide.
The young Europeans are totally brainwashed by the education after 1945.

The Chinese alone count for 1.5 billion, which is about 1/5 of the world population, and Asians also include Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese, Thai etc., populations.

Plus you have Indians and Pakistanis and I don’t even know how many.
To be honest with you, black Africans are not welcome in any of these countries because they spell trouble.

How many whites are there to count for the rest?

This post was deemed false by the idiot SJW fact chekers. They were probably wearing masks all day so they felt offended too.

Masks are full of holes
(and don’t stop viruses) LOL

And payback for Brexit maybe?

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Macaroni is a banksters’ man.
No doubt about it.


I think he will be shot by the peasants

Executive Order by Trump. Nice move. Let the lawsuits begin since the tech giants will be labeled publishing companies and not free speech platforms from now on. :+1:
It will hit them in the wallet, ouch!



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Yep, this could get really interesting.

Anybody here use Netflix ?

There is a documentary series about Jeffrey Epstein, I think it is called Filthy Rich … or something like that. I just watched the first episode which was largely an expose using interviews with “survivors”, also revealing the methods used to enlist under-age girls … and how many of them there were.

I am left feeling somewhat sickened. So far the examination has been confined to activities in Palm Beach, Florida, and almost nothing about the goings-on in other parts of the world. Also the notable figures who were closely associated have not yet been discussed.

Will they blame the ‘‘second wave’’ on the race riots?