The Rabbit Hole

Getting Positioned for the Worst Depression in the History of the World…


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Explain please. I’m slow

Not slow, you need to connect the dots.
Alice in Wonderland sees the matrix behind the curtain.

Have you ever done a detox?

Got it. Thanks.

I have done liver detox by Hulda Clark method.
You need olive oil and epsom salt.
Next morning, I found dozens of greenish junk (finger nail sized) in the stool which float on water, because they are fat.
(This solved the problem of shoulder pain, strangely)

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There are many great herbs that would help the liver (milk thistle is one) but the best detox is to simply give the liver a rest i.e. fast. Then when you do eat, try to eat all your day’s food within a window, say 6 hours. So your liver gets to rest for 18. That would greatly help with promoting insulin sensitivity too which is really the key to health.

If you have a gut, you have a fatty liver. Visceral fat is simply fat spilled out of the liver into the abdominal cavity because the liver can’t hold any more. When you lose weight, that is also the first fat to go.


Kidney is very delicate.
Liver, on the other hand, is tough and permits somewhat rough cleanses like the one I described above.

Hulda Clark didn’t say, but her colleague Hanna Kroeger said in her seminar in Colorado where she taught that the olive oil method was an old cleanse from the Alpine region of Europe (she meant southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria).

How is the liver related to the (right) shoulder pain?
My guess is that a liver full of junk makes the muscles around the shoulder blade (scapula) stiff, which prevents its free movement, which hampers the free movement of the right arm.

I was in pain for weeks, unable to raise the right arm and I couldn’t toss coins into a basket while driving on a toll road in Japan. (You drive on the left side of the road and such devices are on the right side of the road, be it a basket or a machine which dispenses a card)

I repeated the cleanse with olive oil and epsom salt a dozen times every weekend over a few months. First came the chunks which later turned into sand-like stuff, which also floated on water.

Every time I repeated the cleanse, the angle of the right arm movement increased until I finally could touch my right ear with the upper arm.

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They are probably counting in Lakhs
I think a Lakh is 100,000 so that would make 100,000,000 deaths
Sounds about right …

Try telling that to a dialysis patient

They will be British … British … British … and, uh … British

First time I have read something from Priti Patel that doesn’t make me want to strangle her.

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I heard there are herbs and homeopathy that will replace dialysis.
Dialysis is an open prison of sorts, where you are required to be at a hospital 2-3 times a week, 2-3 hours each, after which you are so exhausted you just stumble back home and hit the bed.
Is it life? You tell me.

They are there because their kidneys are not working.
In the UK the health service is not allowed to let people die without some justification (such as too old). Even self-inflicted misery is not enough of a reason to let people die.
A successful kidney transplant removes people from the need to dialyse, and their life becomes normal again … aprt from the continuing need for immuno-suppressive drugs.

Modern interpretations of classic art.

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Must admit I have never seen these paintings.

Sort of reminds me of William the Conqueror (and banking)