The Rabbit Hole

Oh…right! Duh me! :roll_eyes:

I hope not…that would throw everything in Spygate right out the window! :laughing:

Okay maybe he’s listening to the Political Bullpen.
TRH is unhackable. :roll_eyes: :wink:

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This site has never been hacked, right? :alien:

Elvis on NCIS: New Orleans can hack into ANYTHING! He TEACHES hacking!!!

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That’s billion!

In recent years, I have come to trust less and less the numbers that are generated by foreign countries related to anything. China LIES, Iran LIES, Sweden LIES…and I suspect that India LIES as well.


Hydroxychloroquine has been used for over 70 years. It has been recently shown by several doctors that it is effective in treating mild to moderate cases of COVID-19.

The medical profession and Big Pharma do not want it used to treat the virus because:

  • the patent has expired
  • it is cheap
  • they do not stand to get filthy rich from a “new drug”

Dr. Fauci is part of the campaign against its use. Dr. Fauci has been paid millions by the Chinese in relation to his help in funding the Wuhan Virus Labs that enabled the release of the virus on the world population.

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As of today, your body belongs to the state. You are a walking spare parts warehouse. Unless you opt out. This has been kept very quiet.

Organ transplant is BS.
A lot of holistic ways to revive “tired” organs.


The liver can completely regenerate itself. It takes about 3 years. So what is the point of a liver transplant if you’re not prepared to cut out the booze and crap?

Life and death isn’t black and white. There is a lot of grey in between. If you were properly dead, your organs would be of no use. All healthcare work on odds. Say if you have a 10% chance of survival; why should they work on you when they can harvest you instead to save 5 other people with high probability of survival if they had new organs?


I can smell another whitewash.

Karma.- Don’t ya just love it…

Let’s hear their nationalities


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