The Rabbit Hole


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Married to a chick-with-a-dick!

Barack was the pussy of the two.

Remember what Clint Eastwood said:
"One day we will realize that the Barack Obama presidency was the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.”

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I didn’t know he said that.

Yep it was a hoax planned 10 years ago.
Jim has good sources.
Its interesting what he says abt cancer and the big pharma immunity from prosecution.
If half of what he says is true this is HUGE
EVERYONE dies of corona
BUY gold and silver NOW

Welcome Ichigo. Check out the other threads too under the RH umbrella. This is a no troll zone and consequently pretty civilised. We have our differences, but that’s cool. You’re a Yank (I guess?) so you’re probably into god and guns. I’m a Brit so not into god and guns. @asaratis thinks I’m a liberal. I think he’s cuddly and possibly during a time in the last century, looked like Marlon Brando. I’m probably way off. Wasn’t Marlon Brando a fudge packer as well?


Boris is the biggest fraud. We got blindsided by his Brexit sales pitch. Tony Blair was a Tory masquerading as Labour. Boris is a Communist masquerading as a Tory. What would be the difference now had Corbyn won the election in December? Corbyn had a magic money tree. Boris has an entire fucking forest. How can any employer compete with the government?

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Told ya I didn’t trust Boris LOL

Re: A hole joke, instead of “my heart has fallen for you,” a Berber woman would say, “my liver has fallen for you.”
(Practical in a way, because there would be no heartbreaks)

Barak was born in Indonesia to a communist mother and a Muslim father. Not a very good combination. LOL

I once visited Carmel by the sea while Clint was mayor there. It’s an artist colony, a few hours’ drive south of San Francisco. Nice place.

No, I didn’t get to meet the mayor but had a lunch at a nice Mexican restaurant.

I don’t know much about Johnson, but the Covid law was passed while he was very ill and his girlfriend was giving a birth to a baby. I think it was an assassination attempt.

We can only conclude one of two things from this fiasco.

The govt either 1. knew what would happen if they shut the economy down, or…2…they didn’t

If 1 - Maybe they knew exactly what would happen, but they needed something/one to blame for the next inevitable depression/recession.
If 2 They are just totally fucking incompetent.

My moneys on 1 and we are and were totally fucked anyway - Coronavirus is just a handy scapegoat -


Oh … that is all I needed this morning.


A bit, I’d say.
…but to a Brit, a bit is a light year.

Hello @Jen Thanks! I am checking out the other threads here. Looks like a bunch of civilized folks here. Lol (Or maybe, they’re all a bunch of wacky folks here jk Lol)

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Food weapons exist and the most vulnerable are countries that import a lot of food.
If I’m not mistaken, Japan depends on imports for 40% of food requirements.
(Over 70% of the country is wooded mountains. And coastal flatland is mostly cities.)

Japan is self-sufficient for only 40% of its food needs.



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We also like to take the piss a bit. But when we are or aren’t is for you to figure out. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Running with a face mask is simply dumb.

