The Rabbit Hole

Some words of joy from Martin Sorrell … we are doomed.

Yep aka creative destruction or Schumpeters gale.
Interesting that there is a MS game of the same name
Also interesting is that it derives from Marx’s Das Kapital and the communist manifesto.

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The use of the two bombs that ended the war killed less than 250,000 people. (One estimated range is 129K to 229K…another is 129K to 240K…another says 189K) This is a far cry from the 10 million estimated casualties that would have occurred as a result of a ground invasion and door to door fighting to stop the war.

It is only blind hindsight that supports the bleeding heart sympathy argument that ignores the number of lives saved by the use of the bombs.

Your use of “Hitler” is not surprising. Hitler indiscriminately bombed and sent V2 rockets wherever he could…and would have used atomic bombs had he owned any.

WWII could have ended in the spring of 1945 or earlier.
But the ■■■■ wanted to test the A-bombs on live cities, therefore the war had to be prolonged until the bombs were ready to go, costing countless American, Australian and of course Japanese lives.

The island hopping was a totally meaningless exercise. If the US really wanted to defeat Japan, it could have simply continued the bombing campaigns. The bloody ground battles of Iwo Jima, Okinawa and other islands were totally meaningless.

Ok another example of how stupid and gullible some ppl really are…
We take our dog out for a walk most evenings abt the same time and during that walk we often pass a little girl who likes to make a fuss of our dog.
Except tonight - bc apparently her parents have told her not to touch the dog in case she catches CV19. The girl was obviously upset
Will this insanity ever end?

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“Lord, keep Your arm around my shoulder
and Your hand over my mouth!”

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Glad to be a bleeding heart liberal if it means believing there is never any justification in the killing of innocents.


Stalin, Churchill and FDR
Look what three ■■■■ can accomplish… millions of Christian (and other) dead

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So where do you stand on late term abortion?

It’s murder.

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Good answer. Now, where do you stand on abortion as a means of birth control…at any stage of pregnancy?

Bix agrees - he also thinks they are trying to destroy the old banking system and implement something new.

That is a loaded q and cannot be answered in isolation.
If my 14 yr daughter is raped and becomes pregnant - is it ok then?
There are probably many examples where abortion can be justified, but that is not the problem imo.
The problem is the lack of morality and responsibility for our actions.
If you wanna get pregnant - you must accept the responsibilities that entails
If you don’t want babies take a pill - its not rocket science.
Unplanned pregnancies should carry the same social stigma and financial consequences it used to in my parents/grandparents day.
Paying teenagers(thru social security) to have babies was never gonna end well

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Okay by me. She didn’t consent to rape. The rapist should be surgically castrated…remove everything down to the nub.

Indeed there are.

I support a 2-strikes-and-you’re-out law. Give a female one abortion (early in the pregnancy) if they do not want to give birth.

If she requests a second, take everything out and make her sterile for the rest of her life.

If the mother’s life is in danger from continued pregnancy, let her have an abortion.

They may be more reasons to justify abortion, but IMHO simple choice is not among them.

The last event may be of interest to you as a skier. :grin:

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Medical Mafia


Who constitutes America’s fifth column?
The answer is obvious.

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