The Rabbit Hole

This was posted in the Coronavirus thread so you may have already seen it.
You couldn’t make this shit up
Don’t you just love Karma

‘’ citing computer modelled research that indicated more than 500,000 Brits would die from coronavirus’’

I wonder if that computer model was written by Gates?


I read somewhere that Ferguson is a NWO Bill Gates puppet.



I have been to Peace Park, where the dome building still stands. It survived the atomic blast because it was very nearly directly under it.

The two atomic bombs in Japan saved more lives than they took. The only other option for winning the war was a full ground invasion of Japan, an event that would have costs MILLIONS of lives on each side.

In his letter to the people of Japan, the Emperor stated that the use of the two bombs was the main reason for his decision to surrender.

What these British women are talking about

Steps toward full awakening, the first step being the recognition of the evil.
(I personally met quite a few “spiritual” people in Australia who refuse to recognize the existence of evil and evil people. They basically called me too negative because I discussed the evil that has taken over the world, especially since late 19th century)
So it is quite refreshing to watch these women discussing the right approach.

Evil of vaccination
What this Covid 19 is all about
Approach to full awakening, be it shamanic or otherwise, after recognizing the existence of evil

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I have no argument with your summation.

What concerns me is that there are now “emergency powers” in place, and they may not be entirely lifted. We shall see.

Boris … let’s see what transpires with Brexit.

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It’s a myth that A-bombs saved lives.

They COST more lives because fully exhausted Japan was ready for full capitulation early 1945.

It was the crypto-■■■ FD Roosevelt in cahoots with the Wall Street ■■■■ who were hell bent on testing the destructive power of A-bombs on live cities. That’s why Hiroshima had never been bombed.

Yes, the bombs were successful and the Zionists could blackmail the rest of the world with their favorite toy. It was FDR himself who gave the nuclear secrets and material to the Soviets during WWII as documented in Major Jordan’s Diaries.

These evil people have no respect for lives of goyim and their compatriots.

The problem with the ■■■■■■ intellectuals is that when the holocaust, for example, is exposed as a hoax, they think they are personally attacked.


The Japanese people would die fighting rather than give up. The Emperor had to order them to surrender. You are blowing smoke again, I see.

There were plenty of Japanese POWs, weren’t there?

None in Japan that I know of. The citizens of Japan would have fought to the death…without the Emperor commanding them to surrender…which he did…as a result of the two bombs we dropped.

Fact speaks for itself.
Zionist ■■■■ (not the righteous ■■■■■ became the rulers of the planet by virtue of nuclear blackmail.
Cold War was a hoax because the Soviet Union was a slave state of the Rockefellers who are cypto ■■■■ themselves and financed the Bolshevik revolution.

Not much evidence of that.

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The facts remain that 1. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed. 2. The US remains the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons in war.

I am shocked how even with those two horrendous facts, it can be spun into a positive. You can’t just go and blow up hundreds of thousands of people on an “otherwise” that fits your purpose. I wonder what “otherwise” Hitler could have used?

I’m beginning to think there are good gods and bad gods in conflict with each other.
It sounds like the Persian Zoroastrian theme, but again, there are powers that are higher than these gods.

The misery on earth is due to the bad middle management and humans are mere toys of the middle management.

Maybe these gods need to wake up first, don’t you think?

(Some people call these middle management gods “space aliens” but their name tags don’t make any difference.)

6 million have to die otherwise they gonna nuke us.

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Anything that’s bad for ■■■■ is good for us goyim.

I wonder if this is down to God too.

The atomic bombs saved American lives.
A full-scale invasion of Japan was avoided.
Nagasaki was a secondary target, Kokura was obscured on the day … unluckily for Nagasaki.

What they did not take into account was that the Japanese were trying to surrender, that the US had broken the Japanese codes and knew they were trying to surrender, and that, had the US accepted their offer, the war could have ended without the use of the atomic bombs.

… but then they would have had nothing with which to scare the Russians, except words.