The Rabbit Hole

When you read an article including “Europe is the epic center of our economic doom” you have to wonder about the abilities of the author.

The only thing correct is that the ECB and the EU Commission have screwed them.

Cue Janis Varofakis


A late brother-in-law who received a heart and lung transplant three decades ago described exactly those symptoms. Unfortunately he did not live long enough to see if he had inherited any new skills, but he told me that he had ‘flash back’ memories of events that he knew he had never experienced.

I concluded after some years that long term memory is somehow distributed around the body. I became more convinced of this when some ‘expert’ recently expounded on the number of synapses in the gut being considerably more than the number present in the brain.

There are a number of semi-autonomous functions in the body. Reflexes which are tested with a gentle whack from a medical ‘mallet’. The heart beats on it own and is controlled by chemical stimulus, amongst other things; in fact the heart beat is detectable in a foetus at 8-weeks and that is before other brain features appear.

So … we still have a lot to learn I feel.

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Bit of light entertainment - this’ll have you ROFL

Pretty good stuff here.
Am not fully convinced, but worthwhile to listen

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He is equally disrespectful to both men and women if that is what they deserve.

How many kids (illegitimate or otherwise) does Boris have? Who knows!

But we have the best two leaders we could hope for currently.

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Hi All hope everyone well. Withdrawn from the insanity and holed up in my workshop.
The more I have seen and heard makes this the largest hoax ever IMO. Smoke and mirrors to perform wealth transfer. They get more and more creative as time goes by.

Going back into my workshop for a while.


Hi Stu - You ok?
Do you mind if I join you(in your workshop) - oops forgot I’m on lockdown lo

This is weird


Well that didn’t take long - us leaving really put the cat amongst the pigeons

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In 1964 a group of high school kids skipped class to go see the Beatles. They didn’t get into the concert but while they were driving Ringo pulled up beside them and snapped their picture. Fast forward 50 years and Ringo publis

In 1964 a group of high school kids skipped class to go see the Beatles. They didn’t get into the concert but while they were driving Ringo pulled up beside them and snapped their picture. Fast forward 50 years and Ringo publishes a book of his photographs and they were in it. The group reunited and recreated the shot half a century later.


Watch this.

The guy that put viruses in his computer programs is planing on puting viruses in your body.

Gates (father and son) and the Rockefellers are always concerned about overpopulation.

Read overpopulation of goyim, who need culling.
But not the chosen ones, divinely chosen to rule the world.

Forgot to mention. The Rockefellers are crypto-■■■■■
The first Rockefeller in America was a certain Rockenfelter, a German ■■■■

CV19 & 5G Operate on the SAME FREQUENCies, Same Illness’!

Very interesting.
By the same token, viruses can be killed by certain frequencies.

I use Hulda Clark zapper.

Active Denial

I was thinking of Royal Rife and how Big Pharma silenced him for his invention of a machine that heals thru frequencies.

How is this zapper working for you?

I have a few zappers here with me.
Some people say you can use a zapper with a photograph (of a person or animal. You know animals are too furry and won’t hold on to electrodes for an extend period of time).

Either way, a zapper seems to work and I can cut down on herb costs.