The Rabbit Hole

So that is what they mean by “no underlying health conditions,” a 20 stoner! :joy::joy::joy:

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Fall asleep in the sunshine … what could go wrong?


You may consider modifying that view.
The police earn their reputation, but one day you or your children may rely upon them.

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Oh bugger! … what about transgender?


Here’s another perspective.


Deadly Shots And Third Strand DNA

I did. They let me down. So my husband dealt with it, better than the pigs ever could have.

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Don’t forget they won’t die from CV they will prbly die ‘‘with’’ CV subtle but important difference

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This is huge if true - and NOTHING in MSM?

It very plain, Trump is NOT Nationalizing the Fed. The Fed was a steady process of nationalizing it since World War I. For the FIRST time the Fed is departing from Keynesian Economics because it knows that won’t work.

It’s all hypothetical when it comes from Alex Jones. There are those Trump cheerleaders that keep saying wait and Trump will do this and that, like prosecute the deep state, but it hasn’t happened yet so after 3 years of promises you sense are were being strung along by another elitist shill or does he have real information?
From my personal pondering, from reading biblical prophecies, I question if Trump is the Antichrist, does he fit the bill?
I’ve been wondering who this prophetic character might turn up to be since Ronald Reagan was president.
The prophecy says the Antichrist’s reign will be 7 years and should be a charismatic leader that the people will love cause he will do good works. After three and a half years of reign this leader will suffer a brain injury and after miraculously recovering he will be totally Satanic for the remainder of his time. This will usher in the Messiah, the savior.
So, if I estimated right, we have 5 months till his 3 1/2 years reign comes up, July 2020 this year.
Trump so far is not loved much because the Media, that tells the majority sheeple what to think, is constantly “hating” and “attacking” him to insane levels. The twist is the media could be playing a trick to deceive as they always do. A lot of people still like him in spite of the media. Believe it or not let’s see how this plays out.

Yeah - never ceases to amaze me how many ppl in UK really hate Trump but they never really tell you why.

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You know how marketing works, thru psychology. If marketing is weaponized by the military and target the weak and dumbed down minds they can control the majority of the people in the world.
Nobody likes to be told what to do but if you’re thoughts are subliminally given to you, then you’re just doing what you’re told and liking it.
For example most of the people in the world have a blind spot on the subject of WTC building 7. Plus you shouldn’t question your officials. They know better.
You are sleepy. Go to sleep :zzz:. …3, 2, 1.

''What is left? Not much to support a European economy destined to be the greatest economic failure since the fall of Communism. What is next for sale? Perhaps all the art in the national ‘’



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Quick - panic buy alcohol!! There is talk that alcohol could be banned! You may have to go in a number of times as we’re limited to 3 bottles at a time.

Shit, bring on the riots!

My SO will tell you why. She thinks he is a chauvinist who cheats on his marriage.
She is now deaf to any other input …