The Rabbit Hole

I cycled past a neighbour’s house this morning and heard some very serious coughing. I think most of us will be exposed to it, if we haven’t already been. I know the average age here is ridiculously high, so all the more reason to look after yourselves. Even if you do nothing else, cut out junk and sugar and sleep lots.

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And get a lot of sunshine.


How many people you know every year that get the flu? Same old thing every year. Children get it a lot just like all other infections because they touch their faces, caugh and sneeze all over the place and they’re more vulnerable to infections because their immune systems haven’t developed antibodies to fight these bugs off right away. By the time you’re in your 30s for example you’ve developed resistance to many flu viruses so the older we get the more stronger our immune system is barring any other health conditions.
Bio weapons exist and unless you were born yesterday you couldn’t fathom our “benevolent” governments and or our militaries or even private enterprises all over the world would create such a sinister weapon. Well they have cause they can and there’s documented proof. Anthrax for one comes to mind. Reasons can be for one country or race to subjugate the other or to profit. Or to rule the whole world.
This particular strain of corona virus could have been easily lab created to have a slight barely detectable patented element for maximum contagion to target the elderly with other health complications, (or the useless eaters as Henry Kissinger once said), by those in power like globalists who for years have had a plan to reduce the world’s population.
I don’t know but this could be a trial run or the real deal.
See the Georgia Guidstones or look up Agenda 21.
Stay safe and be aware.

This is the end game! - 30% unemplyment?

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Kerry Cassidy says the current coronavirus has 19 patents in the US. Makes you wonder.

It takes some imaginative rulers but they do exist. There was a Japanese ruler in the 16th century who invaded Korea with the intention of conquering China and then India. Maybe he should have consulted the Portuguese Jesuits who were already in Japan as to its feasibility.

Or maybe it was them who gave him the funny idea.

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Easier said than done for many when they’re not allowed out. This is so counterproductive; the sun kills viruses and vitamin D boosts immune function. In France and Italy, they’re not even allowed out to exercise. All that damage to millions of lives, for what? Two thirds of predicted deaths in the UK from Coronavirus are expected to die this year anyway!

Pigs here have gone power crazy. They fined a shopkeeper yesterday for chalking distancing lines on the pavement because they said it was vandalism, yet today they tipped black dye into a picturesque lake to make it look less appealing for people to photograph. They want us to grass on our neighbours going out! I would never help the f*cking pigs.

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What a treat! Takes me back. :blush:

It’s so stupid that some women here in sunny Japan are so afraid of the sunshine, believing the BS from the mass media, that they even walk with a parasol in the hand to avoid the sunshine when it’s not summer.

Yes, I posted this on the corona thread.

People are being “disappeared” on the excuse of virus infection, just like in China.



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That’s why we’re not allowed out, especially to the middle of nowhere. There cannot be any witnesses…

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I’m wondering if that could happen here as well.

The Governor of my state is ordering anyone traveling here from New York self quarantine for 14 days. There are people outraged as it is non-Constitutional.

Key West is blocking the road and checking if you are a resident. If you are not a resident they are turning you back - not allowing entry.

This is the UK not China or the USSR, but at the moment it’s hard to tell. I think there could be riots soon. Some are waking up. I think the French could lead the way, as they are well versed in that sort of thing. People will run out of money, despite government promises, and that is when all hell will break loose.