The Rabbit Hole


Boris Johnson tested positive. I don’t believe it.
If he gets over it with the malaria drug plus the antibiotics, no one will need to be vaccinated.

The 4 religions.
What about Buddhism? Or Atheism?

Inbred so weak immune systems? Iran has a lot of deaths. What if pork was a defence against Coronavirus? :laughing:


I heard someone say that in Italy those who die from complications like cancer, heart failure or pneumonia and have the flu are all reported to have died by covid 19. TPTB are stacking the numbers for maximum surrendering of individuals rights. The masses are supposed to be in a frenzy and must obey the state. 1984.
While Trump says by Easter we will be out of it the MSM is listening to Bill Gates who claims Trump is wrong. It will take much longer. Who tf listens to globalist Gates for medical advice? I wouldn’t. MSM always sides with anyone who goes contrary to Trump.
Meanwhile 5g tower installations are considered essential work and moving quickly for maximum coverage.

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UK was attacked with a virus at the end of November, beginning of December last year.

David Icke vaguely talks about it in a recent video.
Simon Parkes clearly says there was an attack.

Don’t think they’ll ever get to 6mil if only 5% die.

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Remind me again - who owns the media?

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By whom?

Saying that, we never get ill, but in the last month or so, we’ve had my younger one spontaneously throw up followed by a temperature, we’ve had a slight cough and sore throats. There is definitely something a bit stronger around.

Excellent video, thank you for posting that.

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The same guys who want Trump removed.
(Zionists, although neither David Icke nor Simon Parkes identified the culprits as such. The “cabal.”)

They attacked Britain first to discredit BJ so that he wouldn’t be able to pull Brexit. Without success.

They failed to impeach Trump also, so now this stronger virus than the British version.

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…and they fire people that go against the media in favor of Trump. Fox Business News recently fired Trish Regan for saying that the media is using the coronavirus to impeach Trump.

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Hope she’s feeling better by now.
Everyone… stay healthy.

I’m posting this here first, because average PBers are not ready for this.

There is a war going on behind this corona mess.

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A Satanic cult. They believe in Satan. They’re like Nimrod, before the flood of Noah, building a technological Tower of Babel challenging God to the death to prove Satan is God. All the blood sacrifices they’ve done and the adrenochrome they’ve taken over the years has given them schizophrenia and are loosing their collective minds. They are going down and they want to take all of humanity down with them.

I know this is controversial, but some religions openly worship Satan.

I’m not talking about the Church of Satan, but ordinary “monotheistic” religion to which people are born, live and die.

This does not preclude some Buddhist sects here. In fact “Satan” and its avatars are everywhere.

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Wouldn’t it be nice - if true.

That was just after February half term. The strange thing was, her friends had the same thing, but they weren’t at school and didn’t see each other.

Edit: Half term was 9 days. That suggests the incubation period was at least 9 days. :astonished:

I have a few remedies. I have talked about a couple of them before, but I don’t think anyone was listening. :grin:

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