The Rabbit Hole

For balance. There seems to be an obsession with young people dying.

The British Government has downgraded the Coronavirus from being an acute infectious disease with a high case-fatality rate. After reviewing the data, they have come to their senses. Moreover, a study released by Oxford finds that perhaps 50% of those in the UK have the virus and the overwhelming number experience it like the normal flu and have little symptoms.

In Italy, they are testing corpses. They are deliberately trying to attribute death to only the virus. This appears to also be a political agenda.

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That was a week ago. Why then are we under martial law and a police state?

Police are using drones in the sticks to try to catch people out. They told some people in the Peak District to go home - they were out walking their dog, in the middle of nowhere miles from anybody. Meanwhile, Sickdick Khan keeps cutting Tube services so passengers are crammed in like sardines.

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Exactly, and why is there NOTHING on MSM?

Corona is 99% political and 1% biological.

Damages have been done, so it doesnā€™t matter now whether itā€™s the old or young who die.

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Political Memes & Themes thread needs priming :point_up:

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Obviously, the coronavirus affects not just the lungs but testicles as well.
I donā€™t know when the article was written, but the current corona scare is deja-vu. No, I donā€™t fully understand the content.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is a ā€¦ cells of the lung, intestine, liver, heart, vascular endothelium, testis , and kidney (119).

Out of those who died in Italy and China, there was an average of 2.7 conditions of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions associated with being FAT. Only 17.4% of Americans are metabolically healthy.

I think the cause of the high death toll among the elderly in Italy is their family cohesiveness.

Well-intentioned all right, but constant hugging and kissing with the young members of the (extended) family who harbor the virus ā€” unbeknownst to them ā€” is deadly for the elderly.

I suspect that it was all deliberate.


I saw a team of big rugby players (men) greet each other with kisses in a hotel restaurant in France. :grimacing:


The French kiss on the cheeks twice, left and right.
In some regions, three timesā€¦

Time to introduce the Japanese deep bowing.
I donā€™t know how far away, but usually from a safe distance where heads donā€™t hit each other. LOL


Done! You can add significantly to it. Please do!

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Very interesting.

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