The Rabbit Hole

I wonder if anyone still dies of flu these days? :thinking:


That’s a pump and dump pattern. Traders will know what I mean. It will fall soon for Italy.

I thought it was developed by China in a lab in Wuhan and they were gonna attack US with it? but it escaped. And now you say it apparently mutated naturally and jumped to humans
Now you hear from a friend of a friend of a brother that its dangerous to humans doh? - one of the friends of a friend of a brother is a chemist and the other a nurse and that somehow gives the letter some sort of credence - gimme a break.
You cannot be serious hAssbaratits ROFLMFAO

You’re really stupid enough to think that I believe every word of what I post as hearsay.

Theories regarding the origin of this COVID-19 virus will evolve until undisputed factual evidence is presented. Believe as you wish. Your significance in my life approaches zero.

Looks to me, from the contents of your post that you believe it completely… Below is what YOU wrote - not hearsay…

''However, buses do not have to mutate to be dangerous to all ages of people. This virus apparently does. It may indeed do so.

My brother recently sent me an email that he got from a friend.

Read this completely and you may question the degree to which you may be convinced already that young people have nothing to fear from COVID-19.‘’

That is not hearsy it is what you believe.

And I do not think you believe all you post or indeed what you see on CNN - I KNOW you believe every word of it

Your significance in my life always was zero btw

That demonstrates just how fucked up your sense of logic is. Well done.


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If you believe in governments, the shutdowns and lockdowns may appear that way.
It’s merely the government flexing the muscle and showing the peasants its power.

Yes, the flu vaccine is around, before the season.
Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
The more autistic kids, the more sick people, there will be more money to be made. Pharma wins.

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High death rates in China and Italy may be due to the fact that infected people were rushed to hospitals.

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Drink fish tank cleaner!

We need to rejoin EU to cure CV

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I read that she also drank the fish tank cleaner. I also read that she later admitted it was a stupid thing to do.

European dream?
Wake up and figure out what and who caused WWI and II.

Who knows, maybe this virus is a godsend.


This has to take the prize for the dumbest article. This is our third day of lockdown, though I don’t see much evidence of it - people round here are out and about in the sun, just the shops are shut. So they think those who didn’t die yesterday was because of the lockdown? :roll_eyes:

I see Sweden as going about their business as normal. It would be interesting to compare figures. Is our lockdown because Macron threatened us? That’s being kept quiet.

This is all the fault of the fatties. We pay them to eat and sit around to get even fatter (benefits), then we pay for their medical treatments, now they even stop us from going about our normal lives. Destroy the hand that feeds you - tell me that isn’t Marxism.

71% of Coronavirus deaths have been men. So does chopping your bits off and getting some silicone stuffed in make you a woman?

This virus (the European version) affects testicles (medically, testes) by design.
It’s said that in a war, you attack the men of the enemy camp.
Who is the real and traditional enemy of Europe? Muslims? No.

So the economy of the world has now been shutdown!
Has anyone worked out how many …
Businesses will go bankrupt?
How many ppl will lose their jobs
How many will lose their homes

Or how many will commit suicide bc of it…

Or why???

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The 1% (David Icke’s very euphemistic term) have amassed so much gold, silver and paper money, it really doesn’t matter if the world is turned upside down.

The death rate is the same in China. Men have a weaker immune system. Women are biologically stronger possibly because of the oestrogen effect or the XX chromosome. Genes expressing metabolic functions are located on the X chromosome. Women have 2 copies.

Covod-19 attacks the lungs. The membrane between the alveoli (cauliflower like structures which supply oxygen to the capillaries) which is normally very thin, gets inflamed and the alveoli filled with liquid, hence making it difficult for oxygen to get through.

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