The Rabbit Hole

Everyone is thinking it but not saying it…

I like those shows as well. Ain’t nothin’ subconscious on my end about seeing bad guys meet their just rewards. :wink:

Many people do not know what rhetorical means, especially when applied to a question. Maygag is among them.

It is blatantly unrealistic when:

  • a few NCIS agents with pistols go up against 6 bad guys with Uzis, hide behind furniture and never get hit.

  • NCIS agents double tap each kill…most often in the left upper chest area.

  • NCIS agents arrive at a crime scene where a shooting occurred at night and the body is still laying there in mid-morning (judging from the angle of shadow projection)

  • more to follow

That’s why they call it entertainment. :wink:

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I was planning a visit to Moscow this April…
But it will have to wait.

Maybe a boat to trip to Vladivostok. Boat? Oh no!

In bed?
Alone or with someone else?
Exercise is good too - Just before sleep?

Yep his name is Lieber or Epstein - Jooish anyway

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Well, it’s just about official now. The nation – the world actually – is at peak CoronaMania and under dictatorship. And I don’t know about “youse guys,” but we personally do not know of a single extended family member, neighbor, friend, acquaintance et al who has been inflicted with this propagandized plague – nor anyone who knows of someone else who has contracted this form of common cold. But we can tell you of people we know who are now out-of-work, worried or severely inconvenienced in other ways. Isn’t that amazing?

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Make sure it is Mk7.

Our government is guaranteeing 80% of people’s pay, up to £2.5k a month. That is an awful lot of printing!

Meanwhile, this despicable billionaire held out the begging bowl. I hope Virgin goes bust!

Gentle or strenuous? Solo or group?

Is that a brand name?

No, it is a type of K2. The other is Mk4. You don’t want that.

For me it depends on whether I’m on the top or the bottom.

Is two considered a group?


What is the difference?

Can’t remember, it’s too early. Ask Google or whatever.

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Interesting. MK-4 has a short plasma half life. MK-7 converts to MK-4. K2 with both MK-4 and MK-7 is recommended.

I was thinking sort of ménage à trois - but nothing too strenuous
At my age I need to take it easy

Yes, maybe your wife would enjoy a hunk join you!

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Day 1 of lockdown. :pleading_face: Why not lockdown for everyone with pre existing conditions and BMI over 30? According to the stats from Italy, that could save up to 99% of lives. And let the rest of us get on with keeping the economy going. Makes me think there is something more sinister going on.

Close off London. Nothing gets outside of the M25!

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