The Rabbit Hole

Europeans are reinventing “borders.”

What a great idea to have borders.


D’ya realise that the govt cannot lose from this?
If Covid19 goes the way of SARS, it’ll all be forgotten in a few months and the govt will claim they saved us.
If it kills a few hundred thou - they can say I told you so and we did our best but you didn’t self isolate enough.
If the economy collapses they’ll blame the virus.

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They must have been watching Israel,

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They are called “Israel firsters” LOL

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P-roblem …Pandemic
R-eaction…Destroy the world economy
S-olution…fill in the blanks - watch this space


There is no need to panic. Chances are, you will probably come across the virus sometime, whether soon or next winter or whenever. It has been quoted that 70% of us will get it. It’s here to stay. Herd immunity will happen eventually, when enough people have survived it. But I understand they are trying to slow the process as to not overwhelm the health systems.

There is an awful lot you can do to boost your immune function. Firstly, in the unhealthy (not necessarily diagnosed), there would be inflammation. If you have insulin resistance, you have inflammation. If you’re fat, you have inflammation. Insulin is needed to pack away fat. If you’re heavier than you should be, now is the time to really do something about it, as it could be a matter of life or death. No more junk, no sugar and cut out refined carbs. Eat less and less frequently. Do fasting to lower insulin. Fasting of over 24 hrs also resets the immune system.

The immune system has to deal with the inflammation in the body. So when a pathogen comes along, there are simply less resources to fight it. The best thing to do would be to get rid of the inflammation.

Eat lots of veg for potassium and fibre to feed the microbiome. Gut bacteria at its most basic defence can push out the virus. Potassium is important for the transfer of nutrients and energy into and out of the cell. Together with sodium, the ions create a current. You need good transfer of energy to burn that fat. Potassium is needed to make stomach acid. With a pH of 1-3, it kills an awful lot of pathogens.

Three things lower insulin: fat, fibre and vinegar. Fat with sugar spikes insulin. Protein with sugar spikes insulin. They will make you fat.

Vitamins C (natural complex, NOT ascorbic acid!), D3, A and zinc boost immune function as does garlic and black elderberry.

Finally, sleep lots.

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I take 1000IU daily…sometimes 2000IU.

Not a problem. I doze off watching old movies and reruns of Murder, She Wrote.

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How do you know that she hasn’t got an Anderson shelter with a roof that is 3 or 4 yards thick? (that is nearly 4 metres)

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I forgot to mention, if you take D3, you should also take K2. D3 helps with calcium absorption but K2 sends it to the bones. You don’t want calcium in the soft tissues or arteries. In the soft tissues, you would get things like arthritis. In the brain, you would get dementia. The calcium stiffens arteries, giving you high blood pressure. That is why they prescribe calcium channel blockers for high blood pressure.

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There is an article (somewhere) in the Official thread which reveals how some Canadian national has been arrested for feeding and funding the Wuhan lab, or ‘a’ Wuhan lab.

I wasn’t one to hoard paper towels or toilet paper. For the life of me, I cannot imagine why the stores here are still out :crazy_face:

But, I did stock up on stuff that will last through this should push come to shove, so no skin off my nose on that one :wink:

I also have a house remodel underway. I set out antibacterial wipes and retreated to my home office :laughing:

No doubt. You’re right, next year… and so on. Add it to the mix.

While there are a lot out there bashing corporations I (like many I know) have saved for contingencies. I’m good to go through December for overhead, employee salaries and paying their insurance.

After that, I don’t know. THAT is what keeps me awake at night.

Did I save enough? Is everyone going to be okay? What more can I DO. The answer is nothing. I’m doing all I can and I’m exactly who and what I need to be at this moment in time.

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I’ll buy some next time I venture out. The weather presently is not to my liking despite the fact that rain eases the pollen count. Yesterday I went out for an hour or so to get some essentials. When I left, my black SUV looked yellow with pollen.

I haven’t opened the door yet, but it’s been raining so I suspect the car is now shiny black.

I would, too :crazy_face:

Come On…!

Do you think that the Russians don’t know how to spell ‘virus’?
… even in Cyrillic ?

The ministry of truth is making damn sure that the public don’t have a reason to panic.

I used to watch MSW so much that I realized I had almost memorized some of the dialogue. Now I’m into NCIS New Orleans and NCIS San Francisco. I’m beginning to wonder if subconsciously I like seeing people shot.

You can probably see how shiney it is in your side mirrors. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Right? You can damn well expect Russia is having its fair share of problems.

I swear, all these countries boasting rather than telling the truth are like a bunch of kids playing King of the Hill in a sandbox.

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I once told a magistrate that the reason I didn’t answer her question was because I thought it was rhetorical.

I then had to explain what is meant by ‘rhetorical’.

I also had to explain differential speed … but she wouldn’t have it, even when another member of the bench agreed with my explanation.

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Ever thought that the virus is aimed at correcting the demographic imbalance?


So it is not the sound track by The Who

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