The Rabbit Hole

Yes, it is absolutely true if we all stay home, watch TV, we may not even get the flu no less this coronavirus. This may even be the cure for the common cold.

Do you have a credible link to prove that it isn’t?

One reason I think this pandemic was accidental is the number of cases in Israel: over one thousand.

The timing is completely wrong.
Russia is virtually untouched, despite some inconveniences.

The Chinese may have developed the virus with a help from Bill Gates and his ilk, but China failed to use it where it was supposed to be used. (USA? its vassal state Japan? Taiwan?)

The world economy will recover within a few months (with or without communist China and who cares?), because people are wising up, having learned who the true enemy is.

You made the claim, doofus.

Do you understand what debate is all about? Hint: It centers around PROVING WHAT YOU CLAIM IS TRUE.

Firstly, you are obligated to prove your claim.

Secondly, I cannot prove a negative. (That is my answer to your stupid question.)

Is that not a “conspiracy theory?” Isn’t the official explanation, that it came from a live bat market?

Do you have proof it was an accident and not deliberate?

I did, but your q was rhetorical, apparently (and I don’t answer rhetorical q’s). Let me explain what rhetorical actually means…
It means that you don’t want an answer or already know the answer and won’t read the answer anyway bc you know damn well that it is RIGHT and that I can prove it 100% as I have already done extensively

You’re hilarious.

You need to study the definition of a rhetorical question. I didn’t expect you to answer because you have no proof to submit. I would certainly have read you answer to see what you considered proof of your claims.

Your claim that I “know damn well that it is RIGHT and that can prove it 100% as have already done extensively” is bullshit.

If you have proof, post it. I certainly don’t know damn well that it is right. Neither do I know damn well that it’s wrong. It was my knowing that you have no proof that made the question rhetorical because I already knew that the answer (to my rhetorical question…Do you have a credible link to prove that.) is NO.

You said the lab was owned by ■■■■■ funded by ■■■■ and run by ■■■■■

The Daily Mail (your British version of our National Enquirer) alluded to a bio-weapons experiment gone bad at the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory.

The Washington Post (another reliable alamist rag elaborated on the theory and cited research by Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer, who told The Post he did not want to comment further.

None of this indicates that ■■■■ own, run or fund the Lab. Your ■■■■■■■■■■ mind conjured up that fantasy.

No. I think both are theories. I doubt it was deliberate so I lean toward it being accidental.

Regarding its originating in a food market, I consider that possible also, but less likely than the lab being the source.

I don’t put much credence in the New York Post, but here’s what they published in lte January, 2020.

I think that China (the government) fucked up royally in suppressing the warnings to other nations, in letting their people have mass celebrations and in allowing thousands of their people to travel to other countries AFTER it knew that a deadly virus was spreading from Wuhan.

Oh absolutely, there is no doubt about that!

Most are insured and there are programs offered by the pharmaceutical companies for those who cannot afford meds.

Probably not :wink:

I don’t think we will ever know for sure, but it’s here now and we have to figure out how best to manage it. This morning I saw this and I think it is one piece of common sense perspective in all the panic.

Fatties don’t fare well. Their own fault.

Ever thought that the virus is aimed at culling the useless eaters?

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So we shut down the world, kids miss their schooling, people lose their livelihoods and economies go into recession to save the gluttons who won’t stop stuffing their faces?

Plenty of people with no prior health issues who are physically active and watch their diets are affected by this virus.

What, the 1% with “no pre-existing conditions?” Like I said above, lack of diagnosis is no indication of health. Try using logic in your assessments rather than emotion. Your President is.

I have. I linked articles that show lung damage for those who are healthy with no preexisting conditions.

My point being that we don’t really know a hell a lot about this virus right now. It “was” it only kills the elderly.

Now, we are finding out that people, young… healthy… are affected as well.

Is that emotional?

Macron threatening Johnson.
Globalism vs Nationalism.


By logic, I mean knowing and applying the science and using mathematical probability. In any data set, there will always be anomalies. You cannot base your deductions on those!

Why not shut down entire countries because of the flu? It kills many many more, year on year and I am sure you could find “young and healthy” among the numbers.

I’m not sure what deductions there are to make at this time. I don’t think we have enough information.

When this calms down, I’m sure we will know if it was or was not the right thing to do. Hindsight is 20/20 :wink:

I think though, that of anything “good” that could come out of this is awareness.

Perhaps this isn’t the pandemic of all time but in the future, I hope all countries are now prepared should something come along.

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