The Rabbit Hole

In hindsight perhaps they would have. Practically, if you go back 2 months, the information was not available.

It is too soon to judge this. There are deaths in all age ranges, but mostly in the crinkly zone.

Try thinking about the precursor to chronic conditions. What is the primary driver? Who are the ones dying? Why are the fat and obese filling the ICUā€™s, even if they are classified as ā€œfit and healthyā€ just because they do not have presence (yet) of any disease?

I think you would find the UK far more densely populated than the US and I am not just talking about cities.

I am not talking about money. I am talking politically.

Hey Jen. Try to think about those fit and healthy who do not meet your criteria?

This virus affects your lungs and can cause issues for life.

Did you read the article I posted?

Like the 1% of deaths in Italy without pre existing conditions? Actually, if you look deep enough, you will probably find they will have a precursor to a chronic condition. Anyhow, you think I should be worried about anomalies, even if that was the case?

Why are you not equally concerned about the flu? I believe that killed 80,000 Americans last year.

I am concerned about this. Rather a lot of coincidences.

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I have a couple issues with David Icke.
Yes, he is right about the concentration of power, but it has been ongoing since the end of the 19th century, over one hundred years.

This power grab was hidden to pursue an agenda.
For this agenda, a handful of countries/nations had to fall which they did by different means.

Russia: through bloody revolution and murder of the Czar and his family.
Germany: war
The US: through blatant dumbing down

England and France had been infested with parasitic beings, who were and are so powerful that nobody dares to criticize (including David Icke and he doesnā€™t name names but uses vague terms).

Not my choice, Jen. It is yours


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Exactly so Jen. Another case of the cure being worse than the disease

Reminds me.
Itā€™s always the cancer ā€œcuresā€ that kill.
Not the cancer itself.

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Diane, you sound like a prepper from what you have been posting.
But prepping is something we do as a defence against societal breakdown - not bc we might catch a cold.
Yeah Covid might kill us but atm the chances of dying from it are as remote as even catching it in the first place.
What you are advocating, however, could actually hasten societal breakdown - a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, if you are not careful.

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It was a rhetorical question. Obviously, Iā€™m not fretting. :wink:

Iā€™m not a ā€œprepperā€. Iā€™ve just been through enough hurricanes to see how society can break down at a momentā€™s notice.

Quite frankly, when the news is spewing doom and gloom, I am likeā€¦ Meh.

I have no idea where you get that from my posts.

I donā€™t see rhetorical. Perhaps, I just donā€™t know you well enough to be able to discern?

Iā€™ve not read the emergency funding bills that the US Congress is passing, but I can rest assured they will include things that are in no way related to ridding our country of the virus, but will include many constraints on the public that BOTH PARTIES have been wanting to innact for decades but have been unable to do so because the bills they attached the amendments to were not existential.

When radical amendments are attached to run-of-the-mill bills, the bills fail to passā€¦or they may pass and then be vetoed.

When one comes along that the public really needs, it will pass with a lot of pork and power amendments that are not needed by anyone. A congress memberā€™s vote against it will jeopardize his/her re-election.

We have one liberal Mayor now trying to give herself the power to confiscate guns and ammo due to the virus pandemic. Itā€™s just something sheā€™s always wanted.

Hitchens also thinks the cure might be worse


bc of thisā€¦

Do you really think da boyz in the hood - will not loot - will obey a curfew - will disarm - will not come after your food???

So what do you think all the whackos are gonna do when they can no longer afford their meds?

If WW3 kicks off ,your prepping aint gonna help much.

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Perhaps, along with the EU and the US, we need an excuse to print an awful lot of money and throw it at the plebsā€¦at least they will be well fed on pizza and happy, all the whileā€¦ ?? Connect the dots, Sajid out, new puppet in just a few weeks before. Coincidence?

Looks like a collective western effort to screw Chinese imports. So the virus originated in China. Were they set up?


No. They were experimenting with viruses and fucked up.

Yep in a lab owned by Joos, funded by Joos and run by Joos

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Do you have a credible link to prove that.

^^^^^^(Rhetorical Question)^^^^^^