The Rabbit Hole

There is no law in martial law.

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Rumor: National Guard will be deployed in Long Beach, California on Monday and will spead all over Orange County to protect stores from looters and rioters.


If a virus originated in America, would it be called the American virus? If one originated in Israel, would we have the ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  virus or would that be anti Semitic?




I would imagine that clause is there for when a vaccine becomes available.

Iā€™d like to see them in grocery stores enforcing limitations on how much one can purchase at a timeā€¦ No need for a cart full of paper towels or to wipe out all of the meat the minute it gets restocked.

Plus did you hear the game some of these stupid kids are playing now? Cough on the produce?

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Not at all. A virus or disease is usually referenced where the outbreak originated from:
Spanish Flu (granted it didnā€™t originate in Spain, they were just the first to report it rather than to suppress the warnings
MERS - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
West Nile Virus
Lyme Disease

Now, the trend is to give it a name not associated with the place of origin as it can be harmful.
Like calling a transgender by the wrong sex (IMO).

I wouldā€™t have a problem with it not being called the Chinese virus except for the fact that they let people travel knowing full well there was a seriously bad viral outbreak.

They deserve the full brunt of the worldā€™s anger.

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I didnā€™t know that Lyme was a locality in Connecticut.
Surely the folks there would appreciate that.

It is easy to criticise the Chinese in hindsight. Would anyone else have not made the same mistakes? We donā€™t know, but they probably thought they could contain it. They probably didnā€™t want to be seen as failures and that is understandable. The world had a choice. They could have slammed shut their borders immediately, so yes, it is unfair to entirely blame China. When China was reporting thousands of cases, many countries only had single figures. Why not shut the doors then?

China suppressed news of the virus until afterthey had let millions of Chinese gather in large celebrations and thousands of Chinese travel to other countries.

I donā€™t blame them for the virus (even though it came from one of their biological experiment labs) but I do blame them for the delay in notifying the world of its outbreak.

The Chinese government has long been known to be dishonest with the worldā€¦and its own people. They are lying today when they say the vitus has been abated in Wuhan.

I trust Hillary Clinton more than I do the Chinese governmentā€¦and I donā€™t believe a word she says. She is a completely disingenuous bitch.

You donā€™t have to believe this reportā€¦but I believe it.

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China tried to hide this from the world, so yes I do blame them. I blame them as much as I blame a person who knows they are sick and visits a nursing home. That is the equivalent of what they did.

It wasnā€™t until they could no longer control the narrative that they finally took action. Even then, they were recalcitrant in what information they would provide.

Dr Li, 34, tried to send a message to fellow medics about the outbreak at the end of December. Three days later police paid him a visit and told him to stop. He returned to work and caught the virus from a patient. He had been in hospital for at least three weeks.

ā€œWe solemnly warn you: If you keep being stubborn, with such impertinence, and continue this illegal activity, you will be brought to justice - is that understood?ā€ Underneath in Dr Liā€™s handwriting is written: ā€œYes, I do.ā€

He was one of eight people who police said were being investigated for ā€œspreading rumoursā€.

Ok then, but when the world did finally find out, there were still very few cases outside China. Why did countries not close their borders immediately? So, whilst China shoulders the blame, other countries are not blameless either for deaths.

Anyhow, why have we lost perspective on this? The numbers do not warrant the hysteria.

President Trump cut off travel from China ā€œearlyā€ according the Trump-haters. He should be thanked for it.

Iā€™ve seen articles claiming that the virus ciuld have been 95% contained by now had China not delayed the news of its spreading for 3 weeks.

Donā€™t get me wrong. I respect the Chinese people. I love Chinese food.


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How much accurate information was coming from China at the time they allowed their citizens to travel and infect people in the countries they traveled to?

Iā€™m not sure weā€™ve lost perspective on this. Precautions in areas that are densely populated, are in my opinion, very much warranted.

Iā€™m not sure if youā€™ve seen the doctors whoā€™ve shown lung scans after being infected with this virus. Young and healthy people can be scarred for life.

He did the right thing in spite of the criticism he received for it. In doing so he bought us time. Now we see NYC and other hot spots expolding.

As have I.

As do I. They are people just like you and me. They want to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and raise their families in peace.

They are monsters and they need to be ousted from control. Especially, their corner of the market on medical supplies and pharmaceuticals.

If someone wants to go to Walmart and buy a made in China toaster? I donā€™t care. But I sure as hell want them out of our medical/pharmaceutical supply system.

From the billions it cost us to replace their drywall, to lead painted toys to dog food that kills.

What do we really need China for other than circumventing regulations in lieu of profit?

Means nothing. Absence of diagnosis does not mean health. Do you know that insulin resistance can take decades to manifest itself as a chronic condition such as T2D, heart disease, hypertension etc and that 75% of Americans have insulin resistance? You donā€™t even have to be fat. Skinny fat will do.

Am I worried about Coronavirus for myself or my family? Not in the slightest. But I am very worried about the fallout /agenda and the path we have been scared into taking.

Yes, it does.

Is that the subject at hand?

Iā€™m glad you have no worries. Folks in highly concentrated population do have worries, legitimately. As well as those whoā€™ve come into contact with anyone who could be a carrier.

As we all are. Fortunately, I saved and sacrificed not spending so I could weather a storm. I had no idea it would be THIS. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

Italy was incredibly unprepared and did not take this seriously. Look at them now. Are they now taking it seriously? What is the fall out / agenda for them?

In the UK the supermarkets are imposing maximum item counts, so no more than e.g. 4 bottles of water

Italy extends the lock-down zone to the whole country, IIRC

It looks as though NYC has more cases than the whole of the rest of America.