The Rabbit Hole



Royal straight flush?


Boris has all the toilet rolls.


Does anyone know what happened to Dev??

Everyone is printing money; the EU, UK and US. What about China? Not that I’ve heard. So then Chinese tat will become too expensive for us and we don’t buy anymore, so China goes down the toilet. Hmm… convenient. Couldn’t have planned it better. All the while, blame China?


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Just prior to the Coronavirus, Boris had a Cabinet reshuffle. Sajid Javid resigned, saying he wasn’t going to be chancellor “in name only,” as all his aides were to get the boot and No.10’s aides installed instead. Would Sajid have agreed to all this money printing and throwing it into the population like confetti? Probably not. He didn’t fit the agenda. Sajid was old enough to think for himself. So Boris found a puppet for the job, someone young and keen to please and does as he’s told. Oh, and then the Coronavirus arrived! What timing!

I feel uneasy that Trump calls it the “Chinese virus.” That is over the top and hence suspicious. What is he hiding? The fact that some people believe that narrative 100% makes me all the more doubting, like they believe 9/11 was the work of Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, like they also believed Blair’s WMD, until he was officially rumbled. What’s the difference? Blair was unlucky.

I don’t. It originated in China. It is a Chinese virus.

What is despicable is the delay of the Chinese government in notifying other countries. I can think of no reason for this to happen…other than trying to hide the specific origin of the outbreak. It came from a government laboratory experimenting with airborne biological weapons. They came up with a good one.

Fuck the Chinese government.

Many viruses and ailments have been named for various countries, locations and people.

In addition, we’ve had:

  • Spanish Flu
  • MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome)


I pay more attention to motive than accidents or coincidences. Anyway, I thought it was supposed to have originated from bat soup?

The virus already has an official name. Why change it, if not for a purely emotive reason? That does not help, least of all diplomatically.

It originated in China. Ergo, it is the Chinese flu just as the Spanish flu was labeled from whence it originated.

So many coincidences. :thinking:

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Of course the Chinese didn’t invent a series of viruses in recent decades that target the Asian population.
Just like the black Africans didn’t invent HIV-AIDS and Ebola.

(There is more than one type)
Who is the enemy of Iran?

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Strange how the Iranian top brass were one of the firsts to succumb, even before the virus got a proper foothold in the country. Coincidence or Cohencidence as @Magog would call it?

The Book of Esther come to my mind.
In this strange work, “God” is not mentioned while two figures — two avatars of ancient Babylonian gods, Ishtar and Marduk — are the protagonists.

Some Christian theologians are puzzled by this book where ■■■■ rejoice at the mass murder of innocent Persian women and children, while some consider this book to be a prophecy of some sort. Interestingly, mass murders take place around the time of the ■■■■■■ festival of Purim, which celebrates this ancient event (true of fictive) in Iran, be it Dresden bombing or Tokyo fire bombing or mass murder of Iraqis on Highway of Death. Bush and Roosevelt were crypto-■■■■■

You do know that the Spanish flu was a US military experiment, don’t you?

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And they all had links to Epstein - Epsteins ethnicity is just another cohencidence tho.

So the pandemic has killed thousands of Chinese ppl, it has trashed Chinas trade with TROW, its economy has imploded, its manufacturing base has collapsed - Can you or anyone explain to us why CHINA would do that???)

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Doesn’t “Epstein” spell “Mossad”?
To me, it does. LOL

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Trust the official narrative so trust the official solution.

In Denmark:

As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus.