The Rabbit Hole

We have “Sikorsky” mosquitoes that look more like dragonflies and carry hypodermic syringes with cc graduations tattooed along the outer tube.
Sometimes we use fly swatters to knock them out of the sky, then smash them with a ballpeen hammer. Blood spatters everywhere…


Then please accept my apology. I didn’t realize it was humor :wink:

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Actually, that makes a lot of sense.

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Unless you go to Scotland … where they have ‘midges’ … which are slightly more user friendly because they don’t make that annoying sound.

The midges in Australia (coastal areas of northern Queensland) are absolutely vicious.
They only bite at certain hours of the day. Weird.

“In Australia these flies are commonly known as sandflies but are correctly referred to as biting midges.”

I really don’t understand the finances, and they are meant to be hidden, occult, just like Christine Lagarde is an occultist.

The collapse was planned for a long time, but they themselves may be surprised at its sudden arrival.

The superrich have so much money, gold, real estate, etc., that loss of paper money and other paper junk won’t hurt them as much as common folks and peasants.




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And the latest from Colorado, the governor has ordered all restaurants close.

Now that will hurt the little people.



Happy St Paddy’s Day! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

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It always does. Being hurt by not planning is what makes many strong. Or, they want a bailout.



So freaking stupid that people are hoarding like this.

I always have at least a six month supply in my freezer but I never anticipated a shortage of TP. :roll_eyes:

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Why do you keep toilet paper in the freezer? :grin:

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Helps keep the temp stable :rofl:

If Israel knew about the virus for a long time, it would mean Israel was involved in its development.

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“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”


“Crinkley” is as term of endearment that Jen uses to show her immense admiration for the old codgers here ! :heart_eyes: :laughing:


I believe the “Washington Post” is less course than the “NY Times”, if you get stuck ! :grin:

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Taken from “Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology” (1974)

I know diseases/virus etc mutate and become resistant to treatment etc but the characteristics/symptoms just don’t appear to have changed. It’s of course beneficial to big pharma that every so often they repackage the same diseases/virus etc with new names/variants as it’s a great opportunity to push another load of crap that made you susceptible to this kind of illness in the first instance !! They never say that taking our drugs will likely F*** up your immune system which allows simple colds etc to develop into Pneumonia and other such issues.