The Rabbit Hole

Hope for windy days to get blue skies.

If it isn’t we’re definitely getting a taste of things to come.

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You probably got sweet blood. :syringe: :wine_glass:

There are up to 400 chemical compounds on human skin that could play a role in attracting (and perhaps repulsing) mosquitoes. This smelly mix, produced by bacteria living on our skin and exuded in sweat, varies from person to person and is likely to explain why there is substantial variation in how many mozzies we attract. Genetics probably plays the biggest role in this, but a little of it may be down to diet or physiology.

One of the best studied substances contained in sweat is lactic acid. Research shows it’s a key mosquito attractant, particularly for human-biting species such as Aedes aegypti . This should act as fair warning against exercising close to wetlands; a hot and sweaty body is probably the “pick of the bunch” for a hungry mosquito!

Good question.

The same question many are asking.

In all my years, I have never seen such greed. Never Have I seen store shelves empty.

These are the same people who want equality for all. But, when the rubber hits the road? It is me first.

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The difference is the media has been hammering this issue from the start. Last year a mention then gone.

Think it’s their way of ending Trump? Amazing, people are losing their retirements and are clueless as to why this is happening.

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Biden. He has a plan. :roll_eyes:

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No one is losing their retirement. If anything, in the next 3 or so months if they hold it will skyrocket.

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Market shows mutuals funds which compromise many IRA retirements ar selling to redeem customer sell orders.
That selling in volume is fueling the retraction.
I suspect private retirement funds are doing the same.

I’m not a stock guru, Lou.

But, one thing I have learned is to stay the course and things will even out and recover.

The tortoise vs. the hare.

It happened a few times, but they spray hundreds of miles southwest of the Japanese islands nowadays, so the chemicals are in the air regardless. (Most weather changes occur in the west)
The planes are based at Kadena, Okinawa, according to a researcher.
A friend in Hokkaido once told me they had no chemtrails there but now there are, according to him.

Actually half in, half out.

In the last year I have sold half of every stock with a gain. Then went back at another high sold half again.

I now have a substantial cash position for reinvestment in a bit but did increase wealth by selling halves.

Just got an e-mail from my ortho surgeon. They are closing for the next 30 days. panic in the street continues.

They don’t proliferate here in the wild. We do have hunting clubs that raise them and release them for hunts. Perhaps my two sightings were escapees.

We do have a ton of Wild Turkeys. On one occasion as I was driving to work, I saw what must have been 20 of them perched all over the roof of a neighbor’s house. I suspect he seeded his back yard. That’s the only time I’ve seen such. Wild Turkeys generally stay out of sight when there’s human activity nearby.

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Hire some bats…or some Purple Martins…or some Barn Swallows…

I understand all of them love to eat mosquitoes. Every one they eat is one that won’t bite you, no matter what you wear.

I have Bats and Marlins here…and I’ve seen Swallows at a friend’s house several miles from here.

I don’t know what kinds of birds you have in your area or how to attract them, but here all you have to do is provide them a home. You can buy them online or build 'em with a DIY kit. Martins seem to like gourds.



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I think you need to try to understand British humour. No one else here is offended or is taking me seriously. Re. the latter, look at the context, not the literal. So you think I am a repulsive person because I am “consumed with being attractive” to mosquitoes?! Hey, cheers!

To “insult” our friends is a sign of affection. They understand.


We don’t really have a mosquito problem in the UK. We may get a few in summer, but they are rather puny and not ferocious.

I think it really is different this time and its not bc of Covid.
Covid was the catalyst but the cause has much deeper roots in -Petrodollar- Buybacks- negative interest rates-QE- sanctions-outsourcing…etc etc - Basically we never fixed it after 2008 and now its way worse