The Rabbit Hole

This is gross, but that’s nature’s way.
We have to constantly fight the parasites.



Shots were fired at the Turkish/Greek border recently.
One dead, five in hospital.

No-one is sure who fired, but the migrants ran back towards Turkey.



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It depends whether “M” means one thousand or one million. LOL

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The V sign is not really from “Victory” but two horns in the occult.
I forgot the exact number but 40% (or maybe more) of judges are masons in the UK. If you’re a mason, you can send subtle messages either by hand signal or certain jargon to the judge, begging for a favorable decision for you.

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They really don’t know.

Basically, it’s the Earth’s orbit.
This planet has been messed with for millions and billions of years.



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Well, that is rather inconvenient!

Why was Swine flu in 2009 no big deal?

It is estimated that in the 2009 flu pandemic 11–21% of the then global population (of about 6.8 billion), or around 700 million to 1.4 billion people, contracted the illness — more in absolute terms than the Spanish flu pandemic. However, with about 150,000–575,000 fatalities, it had a much lower case fatality rate. (From Wiki)

Why didn’t the media stir up mass panic and entire countries shut down? Because the Communists were in charge then and there was no need.

Funny, it is the socialist countries who have shut down. I guess they expect someone else to pay for them. I can’t wait to see the shit hit the EU fan!

Boris has done the right thing. Herd immunity is the way to go and plus, it’s about time we had a bit of natural selection, clean up the dead wood. All those who have been stuffing their grotesque faces with junk their entire lives on taxpayers money and then getting taxpayers money to sort them out medically are most at risk. Ha!


Borderless Europe is quickly reinstalling borders. LOL

It didn’t close its borders in the face of Muslim/African criminals, but virus did the job.

Honestly, what does it take for Europeans to realize they are the target of a major genocide?


I need no convincing that man-made climate change is a hoax.
The myth is conveniently exploited to distract from the real problem … pollution !

The planet has been here much longer than we have and will still be here long after we’re gone.
I remember here in the Washington DC area, in the 70s, we had smog in the dog days of summer. You couldn’t see the sun from the haze. Now we don’t have smog. Why? Cause we cleaned up our act. If China, India and other 3rd world counties do the same there is hope.
Concrete cities do collect heat from the sun during hot days so it raises the temps there. With proper planning even those cities can be made eco-friendly.
Pollution from petrochemicals can be reduced if we reduced their use but all the innovative clean, non polluting patents of energy productions have been bought up or confiscated by the global conglomerate cabal companies. We are being held back by them deliberately. The fix is in.