The Rabbit Hole

Wow, what a coincidence, I was reading about autophagia earlier, which is a healthy thing!
One should start from 12 hours without food and work slowly up to 16 hrs. Skip a meal.
Fast for 16hrs a day and eat within the remaining 8 hrs of the day.
Your liver will use Lysosomes (digestive enzymes), specialized organelles that break up macromolecules, allowing the cell to reuse the materials proteins.

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The referred light is the unbuilt light, (ጄÎșτÎčÏƒÏ„Îż Ï†áż¶Ï‚) gr. The Spirit light of the Creator.
I saw it in a vision 42 years ago and it changed my life. Words cannot describe it.

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Coronavirus is succeeding where climate change is failing.


Absence of disease or symptoms does not mean health. One of the best indicators is metabolic flexibility - the ability to switch seamlessly from burning glucose as a fuel to ketones; in other words, you have low insulin (insulin causes sugar cravings as well as hunger). If you feel hungry having not eaten for a while, you have high insulin, especially when you carry around blubber. Insulin is indicated in metabolic syndrome, which is the precursor to most chronic diseases.

I fast for 30 hours and 24 hours most weeks. I also do cycling and running races too during the fasts. No difference. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t trust Japanese doctors. Do you?

You shouldn’t trust any man. Research and prove anyone’s claim by yourself. As they say, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck
 it’s a duck! :duck:

I think fasting is overrated.
It’s fine to fast when you’re in the pink of health, but it’s not for everyone.

I knew someone here — eighty something — who had a hole in the stomach, literally. He had been taking some constipation drug for decades. You know people tend to take more and more of it, because it becomes less effective over the years.

Long story short, I was helping him with herbs and homeopathy (from the US) to cope with his blood loss and eventually to repair his stomach.

Some idiot Japanese suggested fasting would cleanse the body, heal the wound and improve his anemic condition.

I said no, but the old man bought into the idea of fasting and he fasted, weakening his body further, and died a short few weeks later.

Sad. You’re right it isn’t for everyone.
For those with weakened immune systems and vulnerable elderly it would be wrong.
Hippocrates said to those who want to be doctors: "First thing is do no harm!"

Another thing I was told about fasting is, today’s environmental milieu is different than in the old days when people had access to food, air and water without any pollutants.

We are literally swimming in the polluted environment, as Max Igan would say, both chemically and electro-magnetically.

Now, the human body seems to keep these pollutants in check but by fasting, we let them spread all over the body where you don’t want them.

I think I mentioned somewhere a German lady who died a few months after she fasted in a Swiss “fasting” resort. I think she did a permanent damage to her kidneys.

Safe fasting would be something called juice fasting, where you take a certain amount of fruit juice, etc. That way, you won’t overburden your body.

That is the worst thing you could do. You should never drink more fruit juice than you can eat in fruit. Why? Fruit is full of fructose. Whilst not directly affecting insulin levels, the fructose can only be metabolised by the liver and converted to fat, through lipogenesis. Sucrose (sugar) is half fructose and half glucose, which isn’t as bad, as the glucose can be used straight away by every cell in the body, whereas fructose cannot. What you will end up with is a fatty liver and visceral fat, leading to T2 diabetes.

The people who would benefit most from fasting are the ones with the most blubber. They are also the ones who would also find not eating the hardest. Because hunger and cravings are all driven by insulin. Insulin blocks the satiety hormone leptin. The main consideration for fasting is to lower insulin levels. Insulin is the driver for obesity and numerous chronic conditions.

OK. It probably depends on how much fruit juice.
I was told to dilute the juice with distilled water.

Other than that, I did the following. Strange thing was, I had no desire to go back to the old eating habit (which was pretty unhealthy).

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Nature thrives on cycles and the human body is no different. You need to stress and recover to rejuvenate and for cell renewal. Exercise, recover. Eat, no eating. Not eat constantly like many do! That is the route to chronic disease. If your body is unable to recover from being stressed, you don’t have long anyway.

For someone at death’s door, it may be better to give them a little glucose for energy. They will get no direct energy from fructose.

There was a study done with a large cohort which simply charted how regularly a person ate versus their BMI. The most obese ate the most frequently, around 10 times a day and the slimmest ate the least frequently at 3 times a day. There was another study done on mice, two groups, both on the same caloric intake. First group had access to their food 24/7. Second group were fed every other day. One group ended up obese and the other slim. It is not about calories; it is about insulin. Giving insulin or a drug which promotes insulin production to regulate blood sugar to someone with T2D would simply make them fatter and their diabetes worse. All the while not addressing diet or eating frequency! Who gains from this? Same answer every time.

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Merkel is siding with Turkey. The EU is untrustworthy but Hungary, Poland, Czech Repubic and Slovakia know the muslim invasion is real. It’s wartime. Greece has a few allies.

Greece at the gate of Europe understands.

It was Greece who kept the Persians and Ottoman Turks at bay

This following video is a must watch by Dana Ashlie