The Rabbit Hole

It will take y’all a bit of time, mate. Look what we are going through – and I dare say there aren’t a half dozen people in this entire country that could put up with what Trump puts up with and get up ready for another fight every morning.

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Because she was against most of what we stand for:



This is a quote from an article which I think sums up the difference of our struggle to yours (USA). When TPTB have no healthy respect/fear of those they represent (us) what chance do we have. Voting every 5 years or so means nothing. Holding M.P.'s etc to account by writing letters and such like does absolutely nothing, even when they are found out in their misdemeanors most times they get little more than a slapped wrist.
I know you have corruption too but you all have that 2nd amendment to fall back on, we have a biro and paper to fight globalism with, that really scares TPTB !! :grin:

“Arms rights in England were never as robust as in the United States. The U.S. Second Amendment, ratified in 1791, declares that the right to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed.” The more limited 1689 English Bill of Rights allowed “subjects” to “have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law.” Today, there are no conditions under which English subjects may possess a suitable defensive arm in public. The English government prioritizes the safety of criminals over the safety of their victims. As England shows, the slippery slope of gun control doesn’t end with the confiscation of handguns, but with destruction of the right to self-defense itself.”


What Europe, including the UK, is going through is not “big government vs small government” or “left vs right” but its total annihilation by means of migrants from Africa and Muslim countries.

Somebody is pulling the strings.

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:+1: post must be 20 characters :grin:

’'At the end of the day, the argument of force can never truly replace the force of argument, and sunlight is usually the best disinfectant. ''





What will the ugly do with guns? LOL

Right. The best prevention of traffic accidents is to confiscate cars from citizens and get rid of motorized vehicles altogether.

2e0f6 (2)

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I don’t get it. I’m slow.

Attenborough is a dupe. I saw him being fooled by a “scientist” dissolving a piece of Clam shell using weak acid. The theme was how increased CO2 was increasing the acidity of the oceans. The “scientist” omitted to say that the gas coming off the dissolving clam shell was, in fact, CO2.

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I was not aware of the damage being caused by the House of Clowns… They were supposed to deliver Brexit after the referendum but in fact spent nearly 3 years pissing away the time to the detriment of industry. Towards the end (just before the Boris win) the only people bothered about the details were in Westminster, the rest of the country just wanted certainty.

A part of me believes that Theresa May deliberately shot herself in the foot at the 2017 (?) election in order to thwart Brexit. With no working majority in government the whole process became log jammed. Nothing was happening.

Now, just as Trump has largely delivered on his promises, the UK economy is going to motor-on just fine and there will be no massive recession … as was predicted by people such as Mark Carney.

Some things will not be the same, we shall have to watch and wait.

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They say a big turn on to democrats is at some of the debates booty boy kisses his (wife - husband -whatever). Can’t see South Carolina voting for that crap. What one does behind closed doors is strictly their business, but don’t try to teach our children that its normal behavior.


Don’t often see something that really intrigues me. This does. It’s a holster-able side arm that can be easily worn. Would only be needed if things really go to hell. If you are being overwhelmed, a couple loads of double aught will clear the field and even the odds. Probably add to my arsenal.

Capture 5

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Beautiful firearm! They also make a nickel plated model.

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Any idea what kind of recoil?

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