The Rabbit Hole

Well said. I was going to reply but you said it better. :wink:

May I add; the universe is expanding at the speed of light and it is expanding faster than the speed of light. How so? Think of a balloon blowing up. It is expanding outwards at the speed of light, but the galaxies on the edge are moving away from each other faster than the speed of light.


Letā€™s not get into thatā€¦yet! :rofl:

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Of courseā€¦but none of them are in any of our constellations.

Because the earth wobbles slightly in relation to its rotational axis, the North Star actually traces out a very small circle on any continuous multi-frame photograph made by a solidly fixed (to the earth) camera.

Its position in the sky is approximately 0.75Ā° off of a point located at true celestial north.

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I have that problem with flatus now and then. I try to hold it long enough to make it silently seep out as opposed to its causing my spider to bark.

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What I think is she (they) tried by thinking the mere idea of BREXIT would be enough and people saw through all the bullshit that would still tie us to the EU so they have taken another option doing it this way and possibly this way Boris can basically still keep us glued by agreeing to PESCO,EDU, etc etc. I donā€™t see that they will give us any further chance to vote on the actions he takes this year ? Or havenā€™t read anywhere that we will have a say ? So I suppose they have achieved the mandate in the literal sense by getting BREXIT done but I reckon a real close eye on what BORIS gets up to in the next 11 months would be prudent.

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Katie walked into this oneā€¦

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Can yā€™all catch me up on this cosmological conversation? Big fan of the old way of keeping time. Trying to figure something out, or just a general discussion of anomalies?

Closest I can come to ā€œcatching you upā€ is to suggest you use the UP arrows you find after clicking on the upper right of the last cosmological post to find the previous post being replied to. Write down the post number. Continue upwards until you find the first one. Then read them in ascending (post number) order.

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Trying to, but Iā€™m having navigation issues with this site at the moment. Still honing in on which uBlock filters are ruining it for me.

Mobile view seems to work perfectly though. :thinking:

Whoever did the CSS work around here is top notch in my book.

I think the genesis of it was in post 7492, then went to:


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The closer a planet is to our sun, the faster it revolves around it. We would expect to see this on a galactic scale as well, but observations show stars on the outer edges of the galaxy revolving around Sagittarius-A way faster than the math would suggest (thank you, Tesla), which led to the hypothesis of Dark Matter (ā€œdarkā€ being a fancy name for, ā€œwe have no ideaā€).

Another consequence of Dark Matter is that, while spacetime is indeed expanding (Dark Energy), the gravity within galaxies is still strong enough to keep celestial bodies in their relative positions.

I personally donā€™t like the way any of this ā€œDarkā€ research is being conducted, because every approach to the problem has been from the purview that Relativity and/or Quantum Mechanics are the end-all, be-all to the Scientific Approach, no matter how many times they fail to explain the reality happening all around us.

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The Pyramids and the Sphinx appear to be time stamps of a bygone era these days.

During the last Age of Leo/Lion (we are still currently in the Age of Pisces/Fish, entering the Age of Aquarius/Angels), the Sphinx would have been looking due east at the Constellation of Leo as it rose above the horizon just before sunrise during the Equinoxes in 10,450 BC.

Coincidentally, this time stamp of when it may have been originally built (about 13,000 years ago) is almost exactly one half turn of the Zodiac Clock.

If you go deeper down this path, youā€™ll see the origins of every Indo-European religion and language converge.

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Axial Precession is what will determine when and what our North Star will be. There will also be times where there is no ā€œnorthā€ star per se.

Could the Sphinx have been built 36,000 BC by the same logic?
(There are signs of flood damage at its bottom, not seen in pyramids.)

10,000 is the time frame (more or less) of the war with Atlantis, if Plato is to be believed.

Atlantis did not sink. The sea level rose at the end of the Ice Age about 13,000 years ago.

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Absolutely. It could even very well be in the range of 70,000+ years old, depending on how many times it was taken under the sands to be preserved. The Sahara cycles between desert and fertile during our axial precession, so thousands of years of rain fall regularly trades places with thousands of years of winded sands.

The ~70,000 year mark is very important, because that was the last global catastrophe before the Younger Dryas disaster. Said to be a cataclysm of fire, it rendered extinct a half dozen or so species of humans, and left barely 5,000 worldwide Sapiens left to repopulate.

The catastrophe of water that occurred ~13,000 years ago (one of two Biblical floods) is what made us the last surviving species of humans left on Earth.


When Napoleon was there, the Sphinx was buried in sand. So it was preserved for a very long time.

The head could have been that of a cat or lion, since the human head we see is too small (re-carved as a chimera sometime during pharaonic Egypt).

I use uBlock

The only issues I get are with some of Asarā€™s pictures



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