The Rabbit Hole

Eff China. Bunch of desperate little Shi’ite bags. Their H1N1 didn’t pan out either.

Rotating comets on a direct path toward Earth have historically painted that symbol on the sky.

People from India have considered it a symbol of good luck for a few of thousand years. Still do.
The nazi symbol was tilted.

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In Brittany, France, you still see it.
It’s also a Buddhist / Hindu symbol as you mention and you see it all over Japan in old Buddhist temples as well.
It’s an ancient Aryan symbol.

To me, it looks like the Milky Way Galaxy seen from afar.

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It doesn’t seem right. It’s like it is an excuse for China to showcase their muscle. Look, we can imprison 60million people, we can build 1000 bed hospitals in days, we always have full control. Don’t mess with Communism!

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Aah, the universal Armageddon symbol.

Yes, I did know about the good luck aspect, not that it was India though.

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I don’t think it is a good idea to mess with healthy parts. You can only create problems. Where does it all go? Into the bloodstream where it could trigger your immune system to attack it, and you could end up with an autoimmune condition.

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Thank you. This is quickly branching off into a lot of research results to go over.

ETA: Anything we should be concerned about with tubal ligation?

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I always suspected that Hitler was really God.

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Do you remember my conspiracy theory abt T May only doing what she was told and that she played a blinder - Do you think I might have been right? LOL

Hitler was bought and paid for by the Berlin Rothchild banksters. Since in 1923.
Same banksters that control UK’s Bank of England and USA’s Federal Reserve.
After his supposed death Hitler lived the rest of his life in Argentina.

“The Rothchilds invented Zionism, Fascism, Nazism and Communism.”
Divide and conquer the masses to fight among themselves.

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I think Hitler’s intentions were good but he just needed money.
(David Irving says Hitler never ordered any mass killings of ■■■■■ He was also shocked at the events during the Kristalnacht and promptly ordered arrests of the responsible.)

As for the war, Germany was aware of the danger of Bolshevism and had no choice. Hitler did his best to avoid the war with Britain, but Churchill and FD Roosevelt (both ■■■■■ had other plans.

The irony for the Soviet citizens was, the incredibly costly victory (27 million dead) over Germany in 1945 brought bigger terror and misery by Stalin, also a ■■■■

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Google is hiding this.
See if you can find it by typing the key words.

I never studied astrology, but isn’t it based on the Sun, moon and planets within the solar system and stars within the Milky Way Galaxy?

I don’t think the relative position of our solar system changed in the Milky Way, or has it?

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Astrology is another subject which astrologers have used to control and influence kings and people. Like the ancient Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar who had dreams and summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed of.

The reference in the post above is to the constellations in that they haven’t changed for thousands of years. A constellation is an area on the celestial sphere in which a group of stars forms a pattern, typically representing an animal, mythological person, or an inanimate object. For example how Polaris, the north star and the other stars near by form the little dipper and how they are fixed and visable in the night sky for generations to see.



Very interesting.
The different sizes of the pyramids also correspond to the brightness, so I hear.

This again makes me think about the English village, Avebury. How did they know?


The universe is expanding at near the speed of light (thus generating the red shift). The Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The stars within a single galaxy are not doing so.

The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. Our constellations all consist of stars within the Milky Way that are traveling along essentially the same path at essentially the same speed as our sun.

Except for the apparent motion of the stars as viewed from earth (due to the constant rotation of the earth) the positions of the stars are fixed. The only one that appears (to the naked eye) to be rigidly fixed in space is the North Star.


The Big Bang is only a hypothesis.
An assumption at best. However,

That explains their fixed positions for thousands of years.
But aren’t there stars that are in other galaxies?

I just can’t recall where I heard but the position of the North Star did change.

You can’t just block something off that is meant to come out, without expecting consequences. I think it is a barbaric practice.

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