The Rabbit Hole

That is the whole point. You don’t. All this eco stuff is anti capitalism in a fluffier guise.

All life on earth will die without CO2. CO2 is not an element. Carbon is and is in every living organism.

The arms industry is the more profitable in the world.
It will not be allowed to become redundant.

IIRC Islam means “surrender” (to God)

Thats exactly what I don’t understand, FFS there must be more than 2 ppl(you and me and all RH) on the planet who know this. So is everyone else really that fucking stupid or are we missing something?


They want to take us back to pre industrial revolution. At least then we will all be equal.

"The demonstrations aren’t about those, they are simply a hook to draw in well-meaning but gullible protesters who think XR is about stopping climate change.

In reality, XR has a hardcore programme of revolution.

Its aim is to destroy capitalism and our democracy – and its environmental demands are merely a move towards that.

"A report published this year by former Met Police counter-terror chief Richard Walton shows that XR aims to achieve a total breakdown of the state and democracy.

XR is an offshoot of rising Up, a group which calls for “a fundamental change of the political and economic system”.

According to Rising Up’s manifesto, all private businesses must be abolished and it should be “illegal for any enterprise other than the state and local co-operatives to create the nation’s money”.

One of Rising Up’s founders, Roger Hallam, is the key figure in XR. He says that XR “will bring [the Government] down and create a democracy fit for purpose and yes, some may die in the process”."

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Trees breath in CO2 during the day and exhale oxygen. At night trees breath in oxygen and exhale CO2. CO2 is part of natue.
The satanic cult is pushing lies and because some emotional actors, that are worshiped by the dumbed down masses, say it, it is so. Simple lunacy is being propagated, like oil is from dinasaurs for over a hundred years or WTC building 7 fell not because it was a prearranged demolition on Sep 2001, the agendas are being pushed for total control.

They will make it illegal to question 9/11 like it is illegal to question the Holocaust.

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This all sounds like a total Marxist takeover.


They act by agenda because they are not a creative people.
What’s their agenda? It’s written in the Talmud.
(That’s why it says “A non-■■■ who reads the Talmud must be killed”)


I think the flat earth stuff was all created to discredit anyone who questioned, so they can say you are a nut job and put you in the same category as a flat earther. Funny the timing of it all. There were no flat earthers 30 years ago.


shouldn’t this cause a diplomatic incident
Our flag is upside down - wonder if this was done on purpose bc of Randy Andy?


BTW I have changed my signature text in The Tomb to read “Carbon-Dioxide, the gas of life!”

It is upside down because of either of two reasons.

  1. The person(s) erecting the Union Flag either didn’t know that it was upside-down, or believed that was the correct orientation.
  2. Prince William really was shitting himself.

I favour reason 1).

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Absolute truth.
I’m suspecting veganism serves the same purpose.
No offense if you’re a vegan.

The 8-billion people on the earth (come back next week if we haven’t reached 8-billion yet) generate around 2.5 megatons of Carbon Dioxide PER DAY.

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Do I look /sound like a f*cking vegan?

You don’t get vegetarians anymore because you have to show commitment to the cause. Likewise you don’t get transvestites anymore - you have to go the whole hog and be a transsexual.

So it is not cool to be a little bit socialist like agreeing with universal healthcare and looking after the needy. You have to be a full blown communist.

I didn’t mean you, Jen, personally.
No, you certainly don’t sound like a nutty flat earther or vegan.

‘’ I find it amazing how people just embrace this climate change without any documentation.
The far more pressing issue is the risk of global cooling with solar minimum’’

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‘‘The spike rises in CO2 correlate to war.’’ ROFLMFAO

Joining the dots…
‘‘eliminating cars and airplanes’’

A daily contingent of approximately ten demonstrators made up the ■■■■■■ delegation during each day of the protests — but swelled to about 80 during the Extinction Rebellion Seder

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