The Rabbit Hole

I think that depends on to what the person is addicted. If it is something that is harmful to the body and the person knows so, it is lack of will power. If it is something that is not harmful to the body and pleasurable to boot, I say get all you can. I have been addicted to sex ever since I can remember.

The worst I ever had was great!

There are thousands of smoothie recipes available online. Some taste good, some better than others, most all of them require a sweetener to make them more palatable. Of course, most of the sweeteners are fattening so reduce the desired end result of LOSING WEIGHT.

I am traveling right now so don’t have my copy of “The 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse” from which to quote recipes. The author swears by them and the program includes different recipes every day for 10 days. I haven’t started the program yet as I intend determine sources for all required ingredients prior to starting.

What worked for me for over a year was nothing more than kale, frozen blueberries and water. I pretended it was medicine to overcome the blandness of the concoction. I had to keep telling myself that suffering is good for the spirit if the outcome is what you want.

I would eat eggs (anywhere from 2 to 6), dry toast (whole grain only) and black coffee for breakfast, then nothing but kale and blueberry smoothies for the rest of the day, with occasional snacks of air-popped popcorn, cashews, pitted prunes and the like. Whenever I felt hunger, I drank the smoothies…and waited for breakfast time.

I lost over 60 pounds in one year at the rate of about a pound per week.


Leftist Politician Decides Cleaning Poop Off Seattle’s Streets With A Pressure Washer Is Racist

This proves Socialist Democrats have gone insane and make no sense.



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Wow - that is really impressive.
That is nearly 5 stone fer chrissakes.
What would be even more interesting is what you weighed before you started dieting and what you weigh now?

Sorry but that doesn’t quite fit with my mental image of someone who lost 5 stone of blubber.

That is amazing! Thank you for the link and the great advice on cutting out the sugar.

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Sudden weight loss is no less unhealthy than sudden weight gain.

How many people in the UK are aware that the Windsors were Nazis?
Maybe they still are.

It’s been posted already. Go find it.

The rate of loss is what’s important to me. Losing weight slowly seems to keep it from coming back fast.

That’s because you’re fucked up in the head.

It was rhetorical q LOL
Have u lost the man boobs yet?

I just can’t reconcile fat ppl and being addicted to sex - how do they even do it FFS.
Maybe it’s an addiction you can only satisfy on the internet.

Introspection never hurts.

:thinking: :slightly_smiling_face: :laughing: :rofl:

Yeah and I’m addicted to skiing. I don’t ski most of the year obviously, but I cope.

@Exodus, I think that is more a “like.” I was talking of addictive personality - why are some people more prone to addictions? Why do they have to eat a whole packet of biscuits and not just one? Just greed? Hmm.

I had a friend from the running club who was a pretty decent runner, 10k time about 32 mins, marathon 2:30. However he would train 100+ miles a week, which was absurd. That was not sustainable. So he would stop. And put on 3 stone. I said to him, why don’t you take it easy, like 50 miles/ week? I was being facetious. He said it was all or nothing. So he would get fed up of being fat and train again, over 100 miles/week and get back into form. The cycle would keep repeating itself.

He was swapping one addiction for another. That is what I mean by an addictive personality.

I am more convinced now that we are leaving on 31st Oct. UK Border Control have removed ALL EU flags and the French are getting more arsey, even more than usual. Saw a UK registered, brand new 4x4 Merc keyed on every panel at a French service station. There is a lot of bitterness there.

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I find learning a balance and cutting down addictions in the sports world comes with experience (age :blush:)
Talking from my own here I have generally been excessive and unneccesarily competitive in sports I have enjoyed. So to much training in the gym until I was 30 because I craved it, non stop playing football until I was 35 when I stopped completely. I think if you love something so much in sports (skiing, squash, training for you) nothing gets in the way. Experience has taught me that regular, consistent sport whatever it might be is now better for me than a compulsive behaviour. I think this hit me a few years ago from my mid 40’s.

It might be different for other compulsions, eating, alcohol, drugs, lying…

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…and in which respect

They are not capable of coping with life. The lust is similar to the smoking lust.

He is really going to suffer when he gets past fifty (years old).

That condition is very common with certain sports people, and to a lesser extent every body else. The body has become used to ingesting a large calorie intake and burns it
off doing whatever…

When the activity ceases the body still demands the calorie intake and the conscious person does not anticipate the effect and take appropriate measures.