The Rabbit Hole

Re: Ensure
I know the product is not ideal for health, but it’s widely used in hospitals and nursing homes here in Japan as well.

As for sugar, it depends. I myself consume a lot of fruit juice and it certainly contains a lot of sugar. NZ Manuka honey is thought to have very high healing properties but it’s very pricey.

Soy is not ideal either, but at least it helps to prolong life for patients (mostly with dementia) who lost interest in eating solids.

Whether or not demented lives are worth living, it’s another matter and I don’t have an answer to that.

I deal with such people, and they stay in bed 24-7 and yet they are not 100% vegetative. When I tell them jokes, they often laugh.

Although the calories and the insulin response are the same whether the sugar is fructose or glucose or processed, processed sugar is a hormone disrupter and does an awful lot of damage. I avoid processed sugar, but eat a lot of fruit and I use honey to sweeten things. Why do teenagers get spots? It’s avoidable.

There is a big argument about limiting sugar and carbs to keep the insulin spikes down. I understand that and I do believe there is value in that for those looking to lose fat or diabetic. However for those in good health and a normal weight, especially the young, I wouldn’t worry. Eating in general spikes insulin. It’s probably more prudent to eat less and less often.

Processed sugar can be as addictive as cocaine. The dopamine responses are the same. You never hear anyone addicted to fruit and honey do you?

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Never heard of honeypot? LOL

Frankly, I don’t know much about calories and that’s where modern medicine and nutrition fail.
There are different qualities in protein (and soy protein is very low in the scale), sugar, cholesterol, etc.

As for diabetes, there are two types and Type II appeared after margarine was invented.
Diabetes I is due to the inability of pancreas to produce sufficient amounts of insulin, either by parasite or due to poor blood supply to the organ.

I don’t think carbs constitute good nutrition, though they give you the sensation of being full.

Winnie the Pooh to the Honey part :relaxed:


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LOL… That is hilarious :laughing:

Excellent. :ok_hand:

I’m going to share this with a few folks.

Yep, IMO, that is the logical conclusion.

America was established in opposition to the monarchy and Kings and Queens. We have three CO EQUAL branches of government. So no, there will be no president shutting down congress.

The only real Realists are the Engineers.

Optimists say the glass is half full.
Pessimists say the glass is half empty.
Engineers, the only ones who really know what’s going on say the glass is too large.

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I still swear on blueberries and kale (leaves only). I’ve gotten out of the daily habit and now gave gained back up to where I don’t want to weigh. As soon as I clear a path to my chest freezer so I can store 30 lbs of blueberries at a time, I’ll crank up the smoothie machine again and revert to losing a pound per week 'til I get to 225.

Since I quit smoking July 1st (after 61 years of inhaling), I started eating sporadically (whenever I see food or an image of food) and I’ve been gaining about 2 pounds per week.

…and you can bet your sweet ass (if you still have one) that I still have teeth. I have $35,000 worth of capped teeth (though I’m sure the price has risen since I got 'em done 6 years ago).


Hindus believe in reincarnation. They believe that you are automatically reborn as another being or animal. The kind of animal or person you are reborn as depends upon your behaviour in ‘this life’.

I am addicted to infusions of hops…

Ah… forgot you’re a Yank. Obviously. :grin: And my body is exactly the same as it always has been, since I was 18. Same weight, same everything, even after 2 kids. :wink:


On a more serious note, what makes an addictive personality? We all know or know of someone. Is it complete lack of willpower or brain wired differently?

Well done for quitting smoking!

When I gave up, 40 years ago next May, I also put on a load of weight.

Well … I drink far fewer infusions than I used to.

Some kinds of addiction are physical, mostly opiates as far as I know.
The main cause of addiction has to be because the reward centres are stimulated.

Also people need a reason to stop doing something. Usually the addictive pastime is a pleasurable experience and does not have obvious disincentives attached, such as smoking.

So I think addicts become trapped. From my experience a mental switch has to trip in order to defeat the addiction. Unfortunately for the harder drugs the body starts fighting back as it does not like returning to normality.

Darlin’. Let me give you the real cost of today: 60 K.

I had a business partner that made me so sick my body’s only response to get out the poison was to constantly barf. Not great on the teeth. Long story short, I persevered and am doing great. He is sucking wind. Karma is truly a bitch.

However, as a result, I am have now I have been through 15 hours or oral surgery (living hell) to expose a more healthy base for caps on every … single… tooth. Stitches everywhere and a liquid diet. 4 months before the caps can go on while all heals.

So, gimme yer dang recipe Asaratis. Cause I’m kind of sick of the yogurt diet! :laughing:

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America shortly after independence offered the position of king (!!!) to one of the Habsburgs.

He turned it down, saying it’s too shameful to pretend to be a king of a colony. Duh.