The Rabbit Hole

I just watched this again and after I fell on the floor laughing I thought I would offer my thoughts on Climate change/global warming/wtf is it called today phenomenon

The vid reminds me of the girl crying over the babies that saddam bayonneted(not).
And what are the elite doing to reduce their carbon emissions?

And thats just one summit - there was one in Poland recently and I think theres one in NY in September.
Isn’t it also a good way to suppress African development - just imagine what would happen if Africa ever becomes as rich as the rest of the world. Isn’t that a bit of a racist concept?
If its so serious why do all the A-listers still even have private jets?
My conclusion is that its all PR/propoganda to prepare us for something - just not sure what tho.
Anyone else got any idea wtf is going on?

It’s a failed attempt to tax everyone in the world for their carbon footprint thru a carbon tax. Since Trump said we’re not going along with this bs “elitist” propaganda during the Paris Accord, it’s become a side show. All the governments would collect taxes and give it to the UN. Goldman Sacks was the bagman for the US government. GS bought up all the carbon credits so it was to be a con game for profit.
In my state years ago, the Democrat governor passes a law to charge a rain tax on each property owner for driveways, walkways, decks and patios because they impeed on water runoffs. Guess what happened? His party was voted out and the Republican governor in 2015 repealed that money grabbing tax law. This is a democrat state stronghold and even they didn’t bother to vote democrat.
People aren’t buying it but the fake news keeps the drumbeat going for the deep state. The deep state wants an upper class and a lower class, no middle class, basically feudalism.

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OK, fifth in line. Safe enough to pretend Harry is Charles’ son.

Harry’s behavior is totally different from that of William.
It’s probably a psychological issue. The family (Diana referred to as “the fucking family”) killed the only blood relative in the family, his own mother.

Sometimes rabbis tell you the bare naked truth, which I believe is the tactic of “Hiding something in plain sight.”

I want to post this only here, because “Israel firsters” are going to yell and scream, “Shameful anti-semitism! Delete it immediately, @ typhoon, etc., etc.”

■■■■ kill Christian children and sell or give the dead bodies to McDonalds and other outlets

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D would you mind if I post this outside TRH?

All the BS abt Climate Change but absolutely no-one mentions Fukushima???

Fukushima melt down, and the silence of the world

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Of course I don’t mind.

Fukushima is a lot worse than generally thought, but the Japanese government is hell bent on executing the Olympics next year, so it’s not going to say anything that might hurt its revenue from visitors.

I personally think there was no meltdown. The reactors were blown up by extremely powerful bombs that can demolish thick concrete walls, which could be done only by small nukes.

Two crew members have to fly to NY to bring her yacht back.


I would have thought Canada would be delighted.

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And if Soy boy Trudeau has any balls he would strip the little bastard of his citizenship as well.

Good for the UK for stripping the little bastard and charging his parents for sending money to the convert.

If he wants a miracle tell him to pray to Allah

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International law states that a person cannot be stateless, so only people with dual nationality can be stripped. We got in there first. That is why Canada is so upset. :wink:


ooohhhhhhhh, ugh.
well then lets send to Canada, kidnap the bastard let him go in the United states, notify ICE and Homeland and let them know he is an ISIS fighter and they will send his ass to Gitmo

Works for me.


I’m curious if the Brexiteers here are good with a no deal Brexit?

Best asked on the open thread of # Brexit Betrayal

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What of fucking waste of 20 minutes…watching that shit tape.

Just another repetitive guilt-by-association propaganda video by a demented conspiracy theorist aimed at anyone who ever had their picture made with Epstein.

Unrelated video clips repeated throughout to accompany the rambling drivel of a goddamned idiot.

That’s my fucking opinion…just as valid as that shown on the tape.

Rut row… In the personal insult thread: Ross the toss talking about the rabbit hole and the gentlemen’s club.

Granted I was playing a bit :laughing:

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Very interesting