The Rabbit Hole

Oh please. If an unwelcome, uninvited person enters my home and I shoot them dead I’ve saved the taxpayers a ton of money and good riddance.

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…but the liberals see it as you denying the shyster lawyers a shitload pf income. :smile:

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Wait a minute,
Liberal vs Conservative
or in the US
Dems vs Republicans
is a typical divide-and-conquer meme

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Despite all that, what if Brexit fails to materialize?

Even if Brexit doesn’t materialize, enough damage has been done to the prestige of the elite.

People ain’t taking their bullshit no more.

The liberals see it as though you should be ashamed of the privilege that allowed you to have a home.

Defending your home and your family? That is something that is just not right what with the agenda they tout today.

Defend the criminals. Excuse the criminals. Let the criminal sue you if you shot them in the leg rather than kill them.

Crazy stuff these days.

You can call it whatever you wish.

The fact of the matter is there is harsh reality and there are those who live in rainbow and unicorn land.

In times of excess those that live in rainbow and unicorn land can have a voice.

In times of hardship, those that live in rainbow and unicorn land are incredibly useless and will fall by the wayside.

It is just survival of the fittest. That is reality. Tried and true over the millenium.

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There are liberal RINOs hiding in the Republican Party.

There are intelligent conservatives hiding among the demented liberals in the Democrat Party.

An individual’s political posture is described by a point somewhere on this pallet:

Their party affiliation is not always related to their position on the pallet.

No we don’t. You’re the only ones who ever talk about guns. We never think about it let alone want to debate it. It’s the same for the rest of Europe as far as I know.

If an unwelcome, uninvited person enters my home I wouldn’t wish them dead. I would grab my kids and run then call the police. It’s not worth risking your lives for possessions. Everything is insured and replaceable, except memories and those are well backed up. If guns were available, then the intruder will have one too. I don’t fancy having a 50/50 chance of living/ dying.

Armed burglaries just don’t happen here because the penalty is so severe, 15 years plus. It’s not worth the risk to rob a normal house. They save that risk for proper heists.

We have a lot of CCTV here, the most in the world. Sure, you can quote our figures and say it doesn’t work. Then we can say, ahh, that means we don’t have enough, like you say you don’t have enough guns, though you have more guns than people. I have very visible CCTV all around my house and alarms, which makes it very likely for any potential burglar to move on to an easier target. I am also growing Pyracantha around the perimeter. :slightly_smiling_face:

Perhaps it’s because guns are such big business, like food and drugs, they have to be made part of the culture.

Then the Conservatives will be finished for good and Nigel will be PM.


[ @asaratis I fully support your views on child molesters. ]

First, I heard last night that Epstein was found dead in his cell.

Second, the ‘source’ said that the investigation would now switch to associates of Mr. Epstein … and mentioned Prince Andrew.

Third, during the interval before these influential people are uncovered they are assumed to be normal achieving citizens going about their business. Such people develop or are included into networks of other achievers, sometimes referred to as movers and shapers (or is it shakers) and/or facilitators. To show how adept these people are at concealing their disgusting activities I remind readers that Jimmy Saville received an OBE from The Queen which was only rescinded after his death, and it was only after his death that all his wrong-doings were exposed.

Trump doesn’t give a shit about the ‘world stage’, IMHO.

He is pursuing his MAGA principle and attempting to bring jobs back to the higher unemployment regions in the USA. He is the first POTUS in my limited visibility to have actively pursued his election promises. The USA should be proud to have a resolute President, even those who do not agree with his politics.


That is not true. This writer would welcome the restoration of gun ownership. I was very happy without a gun for all my working life, and then we started seeing the effects of crass government: swamping with ‘refugees’, retaliation for perceived crimes by the host state against the nation of origin of antagonists, scenes such as The Bataclan.

It is possible that Boris’ view on enforcing punishment for severe crime will be a start in the right direction. I particularly rue the prevailing attitude where putting people ‘at risk’ through any activity (but nobody is actually hurt or materially affected) is rewarded with stringent penalties; however rapists and paedos are allowed ‘out’ after a short sentence, and blatant massive fraudsters who ruin people’s lives are not even pursued. Society is sick.

{ I am probably 3-post blocked now :face_with_raised_eyebrow: }


I am probably 3-post blocked now :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Here you go Ex you can have my next 2 posts :laughing:

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You don’t speak for the majority. Please point me to any public discussions or petitions to bring in guns for general ownership in this country. Is there a single politician from any party who supports bringing in guns?

@AlexC am I going mad or did you post this link somewhere on the site a couple of days ago?
I can’t find it now…

Yes, that is apparent, and one of many reasons he can never get even 50% of Americans on his page.

We don’t talk about guns, it’s the gun grabbing globalist that never shut up about it. They dump box loads of guns by the railroad tracks in Chicago so that they can be found by the inner city minority gangs so they can kill each other off yet Chicago has the most restrictive laws on guns in the USA. That city is run by globalist socialists yet it’s a war zone. Why have they created such an environment?

What about if an unwelcomed person breaks in and try to steal your children not your possessions? Self defense is not a right given or taken by the government. It’s a natural God given right. Even animals defend themselves. Some animals are too trusting to defend themselves, they need a shepherd. We, as reasonable beings can protect our family and possessions with an equalizer like a pistol or a shotgun or a rifle.
A gun is like a hammer or any tool in the house. It doesn’t do anything. It can sit there for a lifetime and never be needed or used. For protection it’s a good a effective tool. That’s all it is.

You have a lot of cctv there in the UK. Sounds like a prison environment. Now they’re dumping third worlders in the country and if you post it on Facebook you will punished by the government wardens. USSR and China took away guns from their law abiding citizens many years ago and later they massacred them by the millions. History books don’t talk about that much cause it’ll reveal the globalists plan of total one world government run by psychopaths who will have total control. A feudalistic system with the few chosen at the top and the disposable rest to serve them.
That’s why they vilify the common reasonable citizens of the US to the word, they try to shame us endlessly, day in day out with their constant barrage of propaganda from the corporate media they own. Why? Cause we aren’t bowing down to their will. They are in every country, they are the deep state.
Freedom isn’t free.


It might have been posted months ago on the 5G thread but no I didn’t.