The Rabbit Hole

Then why break into my house? Why not just grab them on the street? It would be far easier. Should I carry a gun around with me at all times in case someone wants to steal my children? That is just paranoia! The most dangerous thing for kids is traffic, not child grabbers. Anyhow my older one is a karate blue belt and pretty ferocious, although only 11.

You have child molesting, rapist murdering gangs looking for victims and your politically correct media call the “groomers”. WTF? Only groomers I know are the ones you pay at pet salons to give lap dogs a hair cut. These criminals won’t go down with one karate chop from a child unless she has superpowers like they have in the movies.
To be cautious, safe and to be alert of your environment is not paranoia. This day and age you have to have eyes on the back of your head. Some kind of self defense weapon is not a bad idea. I knew a black woman that lived in the city and had a metal hair pin that was 12 inches long! She told me if someone messed with her she would pull it out of her hair and stick it to him.


That statement was made in response to the below which is not necessarily about guns. It is about being safe in public places.

Example: The truck attack that killed 85 people in France


I don’t wish them dead, either. But, I wish myself dead less. Keep in mind, most criminals entering a home in this country are armed. It doesn’t have to be a gun. Could be a knife or hell a pair of kitchen shears.

I also have an early detection system: two dogs. One of them would tear anyone apart who meant harm to persons in my household.

Not all criminals enter a home with the intent of robbery. Some have much worse intent. I’d like to be as prepared to defend myself given the very low chance it should happen to me.


  • According to a United States Department of Justice report:
    • 38% of assaults & 60% of rapes occur during home invasions.
    • Over 2,000,000 homes will experience a break-in or burglary this year.
  • There are over 4,500 home burglaries per day in the United States.
  • The average number of home invasions per year was 1,030,000 between 1994 and 2010.

So, while I don’t think about it on a daily basis? When the topic comes up this is my opinion based on the country I live in, what I am allowed by law to do to protect myself and as such how I choose to protect myself.



No you’re not. That’s only two post. 3 is the limit.

He doesn’t need to. We are not a democracy. We are a Democratic Republic.

Which means popularity of the masses means nothing. I’m not understanding how Americans even with the most basic of education don’t seem to get this.

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That’s why we have the electoral college.


Yes, but the libs will still harp on popular vote as though it actually means more. :roll_eyes:

I think you don’t really appreciate the class system we have in this country. If you look at the girls who were groomed by the Muslim rape gangs, they are from deprived backgrounds living in deprived areas. Why were they out by themselves? Parents, if they have them, probably not around or don’t care.

I live in a quintessentially chocolate box village, thatched cottages, duck pond etc. Nothing ever happens. I can leave my back door unlocked and not really worry, not that I do. The Muslim gangs, knife crime and acid attacks you think are everywhere, because you listen to MSM, are metaphorically a million miles away. It’s a safe place. I drive my kids to school in another quintessentially English village 35 minutes away. I have a large powerful car and I am a decent driver. My kids get driven everywhere. Who’s going to have a pop? Shoot my tyres? Should I have an AK47 on the passenger seat just in case?

We deliberately avoided going to the Med last month for that very reason. We wanted a hotel complex, so went to the Canaries, out of the way and before the main schools broke up. I am concerned about the ISIS nutjobs.

Do you live on your own, other than with your dogs?

Smart move. :+1:

We have an annual trip we win for sales. I let the people who make the sales go rather than going. Afterall, they are the ones who earned it.

There is a choice this year: Mexico or some other place. I told my employees no way in hell are they going to Mexico for similar reasons

Not all of the time :wink:

Ok I am going mad then as I thought you had posted. I have watched the vid and yet I don’t know how I came upon it :blush:

It’s a 2+hours video so you have to set up a time to watch the whole thing. If it’s against 5G I will post it on the thread or you can. Then you watch the know it all trolls come like flies and critisize.:crazy_face: Like clockwork. We so far have only one troll in TRH.

Yes. I’m glad the sleazy creep is dead, but that sure is gonna change the court proceedings from here to the end.

It cheats his accusers out of the opportunity to face him in court and listen to his testimony and perhaps some sign of contrition (though I doubt he would show that). It cheats the prosecutors out of the opportunity to question him about others implicated in the sexcapades with under aged children (I doubt it was exclusively girls). It cheats millions of pedophile haters out of the satisfaction of knowing he’s wasting away in a prison for the rest of his life (which likely would have been many years…he wasn’t really an old man).

I wanted him to die, but I was sorta hoping he’d be gang raped in prison, then have a broomstick rammed up his ass 'til it came out his mouth.

I don’t have a full list of the wheelers and dealers that he entertained throughout his life, but he was a filthy rich playboy and hung out with the jet set and the uppity people, including Prince Andrew, Slick Willy Clinton, and God knows who else from the upper 1% income bracket and possibly other royalty around the world.

I’ll wait for the trial testimony and confirmed news reports before I agree that any one person is guilty of any one transgression. I don’t go with “guilt by association” or “guilty because he/she was in a photo with Epstein” or “guilty because he/she was once on the same yacht with Epstein” or “guilty because someone said that he/she knew Epstein and they were close friends”. That is anecdotal bullshit and proves NOTHING.

That was my objection to that fucked up video posted earlier. It was designed to paint Donald Trump as guilty of the same shit Epstein was accused of.

I have no doubt regarding Epstein’s guilt and little doubt regarding Slick Willy Clinton’s occasional dalliances with the teenyboppers (based on what I’ve heard regarding the number of trips to the island, several being made sans the Secret Service personnel. I also know that when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, he would have his HP chauffeur cruise around the Little Rock high schools looking for hot chicks to ‘impress’. He’s long had a problem keeping his dick in his pants.)

The rest of the publicized possibilities (Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, Bill Richardson, George Mitchell, Donald Trump, et al.) I will assume innocent until proven guilty.


The video in question, that I posted yesterday, didn’t say DT was guilty of anything. They just showed clips of him and Trump in the 10 plus years before Epstein was busted (2013). As a matter of fact Epstein was busted bring in teenage girls at DT’s hotel in Florida, The Mar a lago resort. The video showed deposition statements by Epstein’s brother stating that DT said Epstein’s living the life. Nothing there showing DT is guilty of anything. Nothing there.

The implication of guilt is intended. That’s apparent in the REPETITION of the same images of Trump and Epstein, of the same memo saying that Donald and Epstein were friends, …

It’s the repetition that is intended to plant the seed in the minds of idiots that Trump might be guilty. Certainly wanted to imply that Trump approved of the lifestyle.

I never claimed that it said Trump was definitely guilty.

I did note there was no mention of Jeffrey being persona non grata at Mar-A-Lago on Trump’s order after he crossed the line there years ago.

The man that made the tape is clearly biased against Trump.

He also includes other conspiracy theories in his video.

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Was that intended for purposes of amusement?

You’re right, asaratis.

Death was the easy way out. He should have been kept alive just so he’d suffer a fraction of what he inflicted upon others.

I agree to the same. Not that Trump distanced himself from Epstein which is the fact of the matter.

I agree to this as well. Let the dirt come out. Although I highly doubt all of it will.

Kind of important. Trump made him persona non grata when making him non grata wasn’t so popular. Kind of shows morality in spite of what the liberals claim.

The thread seems exhausted but I have posted anyway :+1: