The Rabbit Hole

Any devious bastard with ability to edit video tapes can put together bullshit like this.

You’re a fucking joke!


It’s interesting that you describe the creator of that vid as a devious bastard.
Implication being that you are defending Epstein - So can I ask who exactly is the ‘‘fucking joke’’?

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Hey come on, I have just woken up and that’s not very nice. There are a lot of things I don’t particularly agree with in here, but this is the rabbit hole, where we dig around. We get a lot of duds probably, but sometimes we hit a juicy carrot.

I don’t agree with Didge that Churchill was complicit in a war crime; I think Churchill was one of our best PMs, but then what if Didge knows something I don’t? Probably. What if I have been lied to? It’s all possible. So I either listen or ignore.

I don’t like guns but I accept Alex’s point about an off duty fireman saved a mass shooting. I would rather the potential mass shooter couldn’t get hold of a gun. Despite what anecdotal evidence people come up with, guns are hard to get hold of here and the consequences of being caught with a gun in your possession are really severe. Armed response units would surround you in minutes. We are a small island and not that far from anything, so it’s possible. You’re different.

Often there are no answers and no solution is perfect, but we can respect each other that we are all trying to do our best.

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I don’t know if that’s a Soviet soldier being depicted but agreed it’s not the best version of this meme I have seen.
I just like the point that’s trying to be made :+1:

They will because they can’t really sensationalise it too much, it is what it is.

When I was growing up we had BBC 9pm news for 25 minutes or 10 pm news for 30 minutes on another channel. that was it 2 channels and they simply read out the NEWS.
Today we have sensationalised, dramatised day time TV that happens to be televised 24 hours a day and labelled “News”

I so miss the 80’s format :laughing:

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My Saturday morning viewing for anyone else interested !

Well, that just proves your stupidity. You made a stupid, unfounded inference. I implied nothing of the sort. Epstein was a sleazebag piece of shit.

I would be defending people whose names and faces are on the video and are implied to be guilty by virtue of association.

I’ve already answered the question. YOU are the fucking joke.

You still lack a logical mind.

Except you didn’t even watch the vid - did you?
The video is one guys opinion and he is mainly attacking Epstein for his mistreatment of children - the vid only shows a few pics(verifiable elsewhere) and refers to a data dump from the Epstein case - all of which can be corroborated if you are really interested.
But you won’t will you?
And you won’t coz you Hasbara fuckwits only have one objective - defend Israel and attack anyone who raises even a question abt the ■■■■ or indeed ANY ■■■■
Thats why you are DEFENDING Epstein and anyone who does so has no place in TRH imho.

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You are sadly mistaken. I watched enough of the tape to recognize that it is bullshit opinion.

It’s the “guilt by association” implications that reveal its attack on other people who may or may not be guilty of participation.

My comments about this have had nothing to do with Israel, Zionism or ■■■■■

If you bother to read any of my posts concerning child molesters, you’ll know that I want them all killed. I would never defend a piece of shit like Epstein…no matter his religion.

The tape is apparently meant to plant the image of Trump and Epstein beings friends…so Trump must have been at the parties. It repeats images of Trump and Epstein together. It repeats the image of some notes saying “Donald Trump is also a good friend of Epstein…”

It is a politically motivated bullshit video.

So much fun watching the marxist dems inspire and encourage us to get out and vote in 2020:

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I think a lot of people in a lot of countries have asked themselves that very question.

Overall, I do believe that the type of people who are the backbone of countries won’t put up with being defenseless.

So, we have a divide between common sense and liberals in government. People who believe removing guns or knives will solve all things and everyone can finally live in harmony.

Except that isn’t the way it works. It never has and it never will.

Realists, not feel gooders will win at the end of the day. It is classic survival of the fittest.

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No, not here.
They don’t even ask the question.
That’s what brainwashing does to you, either by mass media or school education or both.

It’s pretty much up to the people in English-speaking countries where there’s still room for free thinking. But unfortunately, these same countries are most heavily trolled for obvious reasons.


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Neverminding the fact that Trump has weakened America on the world stage, he’s an anamoly that will fade into oblivion, worst case scenario in 24…:wink:

And a fact that others like to ignore…

“The world stage”

That is so typical of liberal groupthink and everybody needs to like me.


JF is a conspiracy theorist…