The Rabbit Hole

Trump does Twitter, Boris does Facebook :joy: Love Boris!


Fusion power has been ‘a few short years away’ for 50 years.

I have yet to see anything that makes me believe they can do it.

…I wonder if they have tried Dialithium ?

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Our MSM kept telling us that you Brits would never allow a conservative like Boris to come to power – makes one wonder why anybody would pay attention to polls. We’ve learned to manipulate them! :wink:


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Why our country is in the mess it’s in. Obama is the most radical, divisive, marxist piece of shit to ever come down the political road in the US. Along with his henchmen, eric holder and loretta lynch, he completely corrupted the justice dept. They gave us fast and furious which was nothing more than trying to turn us against the second amendment, antifa, appointed judges that were nothing more than leftist activists to name a few.

The democrat party has become nothing more than the political arm of the soros media.

And they have absolutely no shame.


And you know what? Boris has picked a top team. I can’t criticise him. The cabinet is full of can do Brexiteers, taking no crap from the EU or anyone else. This is the first time we have had a proper Conservative government since Thatcher. Unfortunately, thanks to May, the Conservatives don’t really have a majority. There are far too many libs in Parliament. The only way to sort it out would be a general election. Drain the swamp, as you say?


I am very happy Trump has a British PM that thinks the way he does. Can you say Thatcher - Reagan?

Yes, you know Boris is right when Trump was so vocal in his support. Trump might be a lot of things but has sound judgment. I don’t think Boris would like to be compared to a woman though. He likes Churchill and has written a book on him I believe.

“Point of personal privilage” :scream:

I’m extremely prone to sensory overload. Please, everyone…all of you people…SHUT THE FUCK UP!


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My younger one spotted a tranny whilst we were out. She pointed, stared and said loudly, “mummy, that man is wearing a dress and lipstick!” :joy:

This is the second forum I have seen this clip on.
F*cking hilarious and these pricks wonder why they are not taken seriously :rofl:


If Boris actually does leave(EU) on 31/10 and then calls an election, he will get a majority that will rewrite the history books - but he has to leave first

WTF is gendered language?
Jeez are there really ppl in America who still call each other comrade - I think even the Russians dropped that years ago.

This is the kind of individual appointed to uphold the law for a safer society:

Isn’t this a Soviet soldier?

Millions of Russians died, because Stalin, a ■■■■ didn’t give a damn about Christian deaths.

Normandy certainly was a death trap.
It was intended to increase war deaths.
Hadn’t enough people died? Obviously not, for Churchill and other criminals.

The parallels run deep between the state of your country and mine :thinking:

The MSM will twist or bury this occurrence.
Hurray for the armed citizen, a fireman.