The Rabbit Hole

I’ve finally reached a point in life where I no longer care nor worry abt what I say or do and certainly don’t give a shit who sees or hears me.
It’s tremendously liberating and my Hasbara mates should take note.


Jen needs another female in her corner on occasions…


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‘+’ with lemon and chili condiment

Q with cucumber


…that has stopped me picking my nose

[ having hit the brick wall of ‘3’ … ]

Discount nothing

Or from another angle, the most recent scare with WhatsApp (now owned by facebook) is that a backdoor exists/existed allowing knowledgeable hackers to install “virus-like” software into your phone without you giving any consent nor being involved in any way.

The Israeli software group who developed the spyware have held up their hands saying that they are not responsible for the way that those (government) clients used the tools they purchased.
{ magog … don’t start }


I have a fairly failsafe solution… Boycott the new technology,
I use my phone for what it was intended for


Let’s see how they get on tracking me!

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Er, just because I am female doesn’t mean I take sides with females.

If it makes sense to me so then that is how I roll.

Although, sometimes a female perspective can shed light on some nuances. :wink:

By UK standards, I am considered “far right.” By UK female standards, I am probably considered ultra far right. By US standards, so I was told at our previous abode by a Yank, I would be considered a lib.

Who’s Alexis? What happened to the one with blue hair?

Could have had some Quince chutney.:grin:

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Looks like you can put your feet up the tail end of the week Rob :laughing:

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We had violent clashes in Liverpool too but from our own brain dead clowns with their usual chants of fascist blah blah !

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@DMK What do you think of this? There have been a lot of “raped whilst asleep” cases and I just don’t get it. Unless you’re drugged or really drunk and out of it, you’re going to wake up. In this instance, I am glad our police did the right thing and sided with reason.

Alexa is an audio commanded device that ques on the name “Alexa” and does things for you by electronic signalling. It listens to the sounds in the area.

It comes under different model names…such as Echo

I said Alexis. :wink:

I know. I read well. It was misspelled. The reference was to Alexa. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In general, I don’t think you have to be drugged or drunk. If you are in a deep sleep or a heavy sleeper it is possible that it takes your mind a bit to adjust to something being really wrong before you wake up.

There are several articles about women being sexually assaulted on airplanes while asleep as well.

In this case, however, it makes it sound like she was asleep the whole time. If so, then i’m not sure of how she knew she was raped. Secondly, she was in a hotel in a bed with the man so I’m not too sure how permission was not somehow implied?

I hate to say, but I don’t think her claim of being raped holds much water. I think anyone in bed with someone who did that and wasn’t happy about it would simply make it clear it should never happen again.

LOL, I am considered a racist and hard core righty by the libs on Hannity. Here I am considered a “cuckservative” (whatever that means).

I think there are a lot of differences between the UK and the US. For one, most Americans are absolutely appalled by cameras capturing everything you do in public. Whereas you are used to it and even like it.

There is nothing wrong with either stance.

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Assaulted, yes I can understand, but raped? No.

Hey, I am now a member of The Brexit Party. Go Nigel! :grinning:


Yes, but my point being the assault was underway before they woke up.

During the trial, the government admitted evidence demonstrating that Ramamoorthy had digitally penetrated the woman sleeping next to him during the overnight flight. The sexual assault woke her up, she found her pants unbuttoned and unzipped, and sought help from the flight attendants…

If you don’t wake up then yes, I’d have to say you are drugged or drunk.

Y’all ever wake up, look around the house, and be like:

