The Rabbit Hole

Put some tape over it!

Bloody hell, you have bigger tits than me. :crazy_face:

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Anyone know what LGBT+ means or LGBTQ+?
Saw this in Waterstones.


LOL… I should have seen that coming. Good one StuFX.

Believe it or not, I put electrical tape on my web cam. Even if I wanted to take it off there’d be a gooey mess left behind :rofl:

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LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer.

The PLUS (+) in our name ensures that we will always be inclusive of all identities to make our community feel welcomed and that nobody is left out.

They’re a friendly group :wink:

If so, can’t they just say “everybody welcome?” What about straight? I don’t think heteros are welcome. Would it not be clear enough that they are going to parade a freak show in your face? Can we have a hetero book club /parade? Imagine the uproar.

I think that heteros are welcome as it said all identities. But, who knows :roll_eyes:

Seriously, what non-alphabet soup person in their right mind would:
(a) join an event with that sign and :partying_face:
(b) be in a book club that wanted to discuss a not only a topic like that but find the cover interesting enough to actually read the book. :grimacing:

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That’s quite easy to believe.

I have stickers placed over my laptop webcam lens, my phone webcam lens AND my phone camera lens. If I want to take a picture with my phone, I simply remove the sticker.

If you read the fine print on all your app user agreements, you’ll likely find some (or many) that can control your camera…and they don’t say which one.

I’m glad you said that. My phone stays in my purse or camera face down. I got a facetime call the other day and I almost peed my pants. Scared the crap out of me, lol.

Does this mean they can turn your camera on and view you ?

That sounds a bit bizarre.

If they have control of your camera, they can turn it on.

I heard that Trump can have his own little guest list for the state banquet and he’s inviting Nigel. Meanwhile, Queenie has snubbed Sickdick Khan. :joy:

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I assume that only happens if you invite them into your electronic product through team viewer or remote operating viewer etc ?

I can’t answer that question. To me, control of your camera means they can turn it on. The only reason to turn it on is to view or capture images.

I just fix my devices so that all they will see is a black screen. They may still have access to the audio input.

I hadn’t considered it but I hear you :+1:

Copied from an email from the English Democrats:

Opponents are attempting to undermine the Brexit case as Facebook disable Brexit case chairman, Robin Tilbrook’s page today!

‘The flak is heaviest when you are over the target!’

Jenny, it has been interesting over the last few weeks to see a rise in attacks on the English Democrats and on myself and also on anybody who has supported us over our case (to have the High Court Declare that the UK left the EU at the expiry of our Notice on the 29th March).

Now, today after much media attention on the case the mighty FACEBOOK politburo with Nick Clegg as their Political commissar has completely de-platformed me without cause, warning, appeal or explanation!! But we know it is our legal case to SAVE BREXIT that has ‘bothered’ the elites. How DARE we demand Justice for 17.4 million voters!

Since I have published the legal arguments, both on our side and on the Government’s, it has become very difficult for opponents to argue that this is a case without substance.

I may add that both I and our barrister, Francis Hoar, have shown the case and arguments to many solicitors and barristers, including quite a few QCs. It is only the few that have been paid to argue against us who have suggested that our case is not a strong one in law.

This makes it hard for opponents to argue against the case. They also would have little influence on its outcome since that will be decided in the High Court, where the result will not be capable of being influenced by them. So now the Social Media giants step in and ATTEMPT to save Brexit by foul means… WE MUST NOT ALLOW THEM TO SUCCEED

In the circumstances, they have chosen to attack the only thing where we have a weakness which of course is fundraising. Therefore, we must fight even harder to win our case and to defend OUR Brexit. Are you still with me? will you stand with me? Remember Jenny: Together we CAN win this and that is why they are resorting to these disgraceful tactics.

The mainstream media have played their part by refusing to give us any coverage. In contrast to the Gina Miller case which by this stage in her case she was receiving almost daily wall to wall coverage. My recollection is that you could hardly turn on the radio or television for any “news” items without hearing something about Gina Miller and her case!

The fact that she has now signed up to front one of George Soros’ organisations to try and derail Brexit (I have been told), shows that her motivation probably was to try to derail Brexit. However, the poetic justice that occasionally emerges in life is that her case helps ours no end and may actually be the key to getting us out of the EU on a ‘no deal’ basis as of the 29th March.

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So does Alexis. :stuck_out_tongue:


…and your “Ring” doorbell.