The Rabbit Hole

Get a jet-ski :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It is called social integration, or something like that.

Notice how they went back and tried the door knob after they tried to kick it in…?

Occasionally. If they’re both “out front”, they’re generally safe. If they’re both “out back”, it’s best not to sit down. If one’s “out front” and the other’s “out back”, it can be painful to walk.

I generally stuff both of mine into a king size pillow case before putting on my spandex thong. :rofl:

Too dangerous! :stuck_out_tongue:

Buster Gonad!

Then why did you beg me to ban @Magog? It’s a nice day and I’m not interested, so go find someone else to fight with.

What does that have to do with what I asked you? Answer nothing! Just your way of pivoting!

That’s because I didn’t understand what you asked me and I couldn’t be bothered to try to figure it out. You’re in a mood for a fight and I am not.

Oh Bullshit! The question was pretty straightforward, you just refused to answer it instead you had to change the subject by injecting a private conversation I had with you, a new low for you no doubt!

You’re proving her point, Dr.

It’s okay to back out.

What point is that? I simply asked her how I can respond to her when in the past she takes things personally as if I am attacking Britain! She responded to me not the other way around! It was an honest question, then she comes back with the Magog bullshit! Tell me where I am proving her point!

She’s not in the mood to argue…and you are.

Oh I see! Sure, whatever!

Some might also think its pretty low to try to get someone banned - to do it and then try to keep it secret is the mark of extreme cowardice and only confirms what I always suspected.

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I wouldn’t go that far! :joy:

Off topic.

I dont believe in banning someone because of their views, I welcome it as it makes for a great discussion most of the time, of course there are a few trolls who causes shit , but if one ignores them and not give them amno they eventually get the hint.

As much as I cant stand that Jitts idiot, he has the right to post his putrid nonsense opinions
magog and his anti semitism etc.

This is the ultimate free speech forum in my opinion, all opinions matter no matter how stupid they are.


Nothing is off topic in the The Rabbit Hole thread.

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ohhh okay, I didnt know that .

So anything goes ?

Pretty much…except for breaking forum rules other than “off topic”.

With over 4000 replies here, it’s likely impossible to define a consistent topic…one that lasts more than a few posts.

It’s like reading a giant toilet paper roll. I find it interesting.

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Now that you’re back from the slopes…
Now that you’ve been out in the sun (I hope) on this fabulous Easter weekend
I present this reminder of the local inhabitants

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