The Rabbit Hole


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I’m jealous – beautiful place – looks like a wonderful rush! :sunglasses:

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What a great time to be a conservative! The marxist democrats literally losing what little minds they had. Trump on the attack. Can only watch so much craziness on the news, but watching the MSM try to spin the mueller joke is hilarious. Y’all have yo’selves a wonderful weekend!


Nice swishing! :joy:

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I did La Face after that video in 4:30. It’s far too long to shit and hope, you need genuine balls to go straight down. Most of the steep is around 45 deg. If you crash, you’d never stop.

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I had lactic acid in my thighs just watching this.
I saw myself around 45 secs in, the guy on the deck in the second vid, scrambling to get up. :sweat_smile:

As usual you make this look deceptively easy. :+1:

Lol, no lactic acid burn. Skiing uses the same muscles as cycling so if you have strong legs from cycling, you’d adapt really quickly. I’ve watched it in slow mo and still can’t figure out why that guy fell over!

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Maybe his balls got crossed up between his legs and he couldn’t stand the pain. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You would make a great sports analyst. You get straight to the meat of the matter! :joy::rofl::joy:


:rofl: morning, folks.


It just gets funnier and funnier watching the MSM spin in the wind. I have noticed something interesting, though. The conservatives they occasionally have on are starting to push back hard – even to the point of calling them liers to their face. Just goes to prove, when you have a strong leader like Trump – new leaders are created and the movement gets stronger, daily.

Another interesting development. Marxist democrats reading the polls. Some them starting to say we got a problem at the border.

The whole gig here is the socialist want them all over the country to dilute our votes, not in marxist democrat areas where it simply reinforces theirs.

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Oh shit! Just goes to show that some people should not be allowed to breed! The Scourge of humanity on full display! Two in one day!

How is this not child abuse?


UK Home Invasion! Pretty chilling to watch!

Do balls get in the way? :grimacing: I have seen very good skiers suddenly face plant at high speed for no apparent reason. It happens! Missing the mountains already - very few fatties and they weren’t that fat, none at altitude and never seen a single Muslim ever in the mountains. It’s all melting fast though now. Perhaps I could try mountain biking it! :stuck_out_tongue:

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We have warm weather (it’s sunny and over 20 degs). That means those who should be covering up the most are flaunting it the most. The country is filled with white walruses and the sights are repulsive. Why do they do it?!

Don’t live in a crime shithole! The worst thing that has happened where I live is a stolen bike in 2 years. It’s safe to leave your back door unlocked, not that I do. Nothing ever happens.

The problem is, because of space being tight and also councils’ determination to implement “social mobility,” you get dumps within spitting distance of million pound properties, especially in London. Whatever could go wrong!

Anyhow, that looked like drugs were involved and if your point is “look what happens when people don’t have guns,” it seemed like at least all remained alive.

How can I respond to your statement without you taking it personally or taking offense in what I am thinking about your premise that you just put forth?

You said you are not contributing to the RH anymore because of @Magog. Well, big, bad Magog is still here, so what made you change your mind, if not to plant a passive aggressive dig?

Haven’t you heard? We now have an ignore feature!

Nice of you to obfuscate from answering my question though! I assure you it wasn’t a passive aggressive dig, it was a legitimate question given how you react to such subject matter in the past!