The Rabbit Hole

I saw one of those today in very tight hotpants with its arse cheeks dangling out. At least I thought they were hotpants, it could have been a belt, and I made the assumption those masses were cheeks. It walked into Morissons cafe, presumably to sit on the plastic chairs, probably a cheek on each.

Hey, a warning for everyone going to drive in France. As you know, DVLA don’t talk to the French, so Brits always ignore the speed cameras. Not any more. We got a stack of speeding tickets going back 4 months. I hope they don’t go back any further. There are only cameras on the toll roads. I think this has something to do with Brexit and Macron being vindictive, pushing May around.

So … not just try to compensate for the loss of EU contributions?

BTW, in case you were unaware, skiing can be hazardous to your health

I believe French avalanche control to be about the best. You hear grenades going off every evening and early morning and so long as you stay on or near the pistes, you are fine. The danger is other people especially ones who can’t really ski because it is impossible to read them. I get quite nervous when it’s busy. If I get hit, I always come off worse. Luckily there has been only one incident in the last couple of years and my whole side was covered in bruises. That was much worse than me wiping out by myself at 80kph. However, I never worry about good skiers; decent skiers will never collide.

Going off piste, I think the biggest danger is possibly crevasses. I’m more scared of them.

Not as hazardous as motorcycling though. :grin:


Bikes still look a safe bet to me :blush:


I think you could have got into this as a teenager. :laughing: There was a lot going on where we were - those jumps are huge, the size of houses, though it is so easy to lose perspective out in the mountains covered in snow.


I agree, I would certainly loved to have done this as a teenager. The problem is, even though it is the time we have least fear, in my case it was also the time I had the least sense so it was probably lucky for me that I didn’t have access to snowy mountains and ski jumps :sweat_smile:
I remember the old red envelopes we had to carry our x-rays in as we moved between departments in the hospital each time we went. I filled 3 of those and I can only assume the radiation poisoning is going to catch up with me at some stage :grimacing:


Cat among the pigeons…


I notice you didn’t make the triple back-flip…

Stu, that was just ACE !

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On this side of the pond, things are starting to get very dicey for the real political criminals. Our side is starting to throw some solid punches. Mueller is no longer being spoken of as the “boy scout” in shining armor. He is as guilty as all the rest in participating in a attempted coup to unseat a duly elected president. The new attorney general is the real deal. Lady justice is about to start swing her sword. The following sum up what is going on.

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And this perfectly sums up the democrat marxist and repub no Trumpers. Never in my lifetime have I seen these clowns exposed like this. 2020 will be the clearest choice we’ve ever had.


There’s a difference in someones views and a person who hammers their views daily on numerous threads.

The best thing is that the ignore feature works quite well when you tire of the hammering. Mag loves it as his antisemitic threads garners a few thousand views a true success story as the anti boomers here get the same attention.

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Jeder den ich nicht mag ist Hitler!

(testing the new translator)

Thats the beauty of ‘‘free speech’’ we are ALL free to read or ignore anything we like - what is even more beautiful is the ‘‘law of unintended consequences’’ :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks for the plug btw.

It is not bad, but a real Kraut would probably write “Jeder den ich mag nicht Hitler ist”, depending upon their level of education.

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This Idiot actually said Trump should be indicted – never said what for. I doubt all the US presidents combined have had their entire lives examined in a attempt to dig up dirt as has the Trump family. Nothing. He is, perhaps, the “cleanest” president we’ve ever had. I also suspect the justice dept IG has some interesting comments on the clinton machine and Barr is looking into the stench surrounding the clintons. Probably be wise for the clintons to keep their mouths shut. Not. :roll_eyes::nauseated_face:


The Clintons have been worthless fucking sleazebags ever since they got into politics back in Arkansas.


You need to be a teenage boy or still think you are (despite the body showing otherwise) to be that silly.

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